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An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese,…
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An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, Vol. 1 (English and Japanese Edition) (editie 1999)

door Eri Banno (Auteur)

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753531,179 (4.31)Geen
Ideal for: Beginning. Published in Japan, Genki gives a beginning student of Japanese a solid grounding in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, throughout its 23 lessons. Packed with easy-to-understand grammar explanations, a variety of exercises full of illustrations, and scenes taken from everyday life, the lessons will have students enjoying the often tedious beginning stage of Japanese-language learning and will enable them to acquire a well-balanced ability to communicate in elementary Japanese. The course employs: Situations and subjects relating to daily life: The material presents the most frequently used vocabulary, expressions, and grammar, giving students the opportunity to apply what they have learned to their daily lives. Enjoyable and lively practice exercises: Both the Dialogue and Grammar and Reading and Writing sections provide a variety of stimulating exercises so that students will not lose interest in studying Japanese. Understandable and precise grammar explanations: The many examples found in the textbook are easy to read and understand. A wide variety of teaching materials: Through use of the textbook's diverse exercises, as well as a supplementary workbook and CD, students are given numerous opportunities to practice a variety of skills, including listening and writing.… (meer)
Titel:An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, Vol. 1 (English and Japanese Edition)
Auteurs:Eri Banno (Auteur)
Info:Japan Times, The (1999), Edition: 45th Printing 2007
Verzamelingen:Learn Japanese, Jouw bibliotheek

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Genki 1: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese door Eri Banno

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There was some good material in this book, but I tried to finish it 3 times, and just couldn't. I guess, for me, it would be a better material for a classroom setting, rather than trying to go through it on my own. ( )
  book_lady15 | Apr 3, 2020 |
The grammar explanations and pace of progression are not bad. The vocabulary choice is decent, as well as the (not many) dialogues and the reading sections.
What I did not like, especially compared to language learning books of other languages, especially European (take [b:Themen Aktuell|574462|Themen Aktuell|Hartmut Aufderstraße||561453] as an example, in this case for German), is that the exercise sections (both of the coursebook and the workbook) are not effective. They mainly consist of grammar drill repetition where an example is shown and all the further items just imply repeating the example with new words. There are almost no productive exercises (such as fill the blanks of a dialogues, decide which verb tense/vocabulary is more appropriate), as well as it totally lacks any review of and links to what happened in the past. Also the dialogues are few, and it lacks short dialogues to reinforce the communicative functions.
Still way better than equivalent Chinese learning books ([b:New Practical Chinese Reader 1 Textbook|1218932|New Practical Chinese Reader 1 Textbook|Liu Xun||1207409]), but a long distance from English and European languages courses. ( )
  Mlvtrglvn | Jan 5, 2018 |
Very easy to learn from. I would definitely recommend this book to someone interested in learning Japanese. ( )
  AkaShiLoki | Apr 26, 2013 |
Laaja oppikirja japanin kielestä. Erilaiset taulukot ja kuvat ovat mukava lisä kielioppisääntöihin. Vaikka kielenä on englanti, kirjaa on mukava lukea.
  katri.nurmi | Jan 18, 2011 |
This is one of the best books for the serious student who wants to learn real Japanese. It enables the student to read, write, listen and speak. The book can easily be used for self-study or as part of a classroom. Its only drawback is cost, but if anyone has studied a language before knows, it is an expensive undertaking. ( )
  mosesu | Jan 18, 2009 |
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Ideal for: Beginning. Published in Japan, Genki gives a beginning student of Japanese a solid grounding in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, throughout its 23 lessons. Packed with easy-to-understand grammar explanations, a variety of exercises full of illustrations, and scenes taken from everyday life, the lessons will have students enjoying the often tedious beginning stage of Japanese-language learning and will enable them to acquire a well-balanced ability to communicate in elementary Japanese. The course employs: Situations and subjects relating to daily life: The material presents the most frequently used vocabulary, expressions, and grammar, giving students the opportunity to apply what they have learned to their daily lives. Enjoyable and lively practice exercises: Both the Dialogue and Grammar and Reading and Writing sections provide a variety of stimulating exercises so that students will not lose interest in studying Japanese. Understandable and precise grammar explanations: The many examples found in the textbook are easy to read and understand. A wide variety of teaching materials: Through use of the textbook's diverse exercises, as well as a supplementary workbook and CD, students are given numerous opportunities to practice a variety of skills, including listening and writing.

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Gemiddelde: (4.31)
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4 24
4.5 1
5 29

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