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City Maps: A coloring book for adults

door Gretchen N. Peterson

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4Geen3,516,283 (3)Geen
Did you always want to try coloring your own map? Now you can! With over 40 bird's-eye view maps to color from all the largest metropolitan areas in the world, you'll get plenty of cartographic practice. These amazing city maps feature real building and road outlines at scale. Close-up locations such as the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Grand Canal in Venice, and Central Park in New York City are included. Also discover surprising and beautiful locations such as the Lotus Temple in New Delhi and Bidhannagar in Kolkata.Color major cities in a unique format with the colors that bring them to life for you.Brimming with 44 maps over 94 pages, many with high levels of intricacy.Printed on one side of each page.Perfect for travelers, design fans, map lovers, classrooms, and mindfulness enthusiasts.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doormargarinelady
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Did you always want to try coloring your own map? Now you can! With over 40 bird's-eye view maps to color from all the largest metropolitan areas in the world, you'll get plenty of cartographic practice. These amazing city maps feature real building and road outlines at scale. Close-up locations such as the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Grand Canal in Venice, and Central Park in New York City are included. Also discover surprising and beautiful locations such as the Lotus Temple in New Delhi and Bidhannagar in Kolkata.Color major cities in a unique format with the colors that bring them to life for you.Brimming with 44 maps over 94 pages, many with high levels of intricacy.Printed on one side of each page.Perfect for travelers, design fans, map lovers, classrooms, and mindfulness enthusiasts.

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