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Her Instruments Box Set, Books 1-4 (2017)

door M. C. A. Hogarth

Reeksen: Her Instruments (Omnibus), The Pelted Chronology (Omnibus)

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"The thrills are nonstop, the alien cultures and races are well developed and fascinating, and there's just the right amount of humor to keep the whole thing fizzing." - Analog Science Fiction and Fact Merchant Trader Reese Eddings just wants to be left alone to run her (failing) operation in peace... so naturally she spends four books wrapped up in spies, pirates, and a space elf civil war! The "Her Instruments" box set contains all four novels: Earthrise Reese Eddings has enough to do keeping her rattletrap merchant vessel, the TMS Earthrise, profitable enough to feed herself and her crew. So when a mysterious benefactor from her past shows up demanding she rescue a man from slavers, her first reaction is to run for the hills. Unfortunately, she did promise to repay the loan. But she didn't think it would involve tangling with pirates over a space elf prince... Rose Point Reese is only just getting used to running the Earthrise in the black-and with an Eldritch in her crew-when Hirianthial starts showing powers that even the Eldritch have only in legend. He badly needs training, support and advice, and the only place he can find them is... at home. To see the world of the Eldritch is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And to finally meet the Eldritch Queen! You'd have to twist her arm to get her to admit it, but Reese can't wait to go. But a court out of fantasy and a breathtaking land aren't enough compensation when they come packaged with a rabidly xenophobic species whose world is falling apart.... Laisrathera The Queen of the Eldritch has offered Reese Eddings a life out of a fairy tale. Now the only thing between Reese and a castle of her very own is a maniacal alien despot, his native quisling and all the Eldritch dead-set on preventing the incursion of aliens at any cost, including the ousting of their current usurper, who happens to be an alien himself. The stakes have never been higher, and this last time will count for all... A Rose Point Holiday With the Eldritch civil war over, a castle to renovate, and a wedding to prepare for, the last thing Reese is thinking about is taking a break. But the new year is coming and the Eldritch take their holidays very seriously, so Reese decides it can't hurt to observe the local proprieties. Who knows? Maybe it'll make good practice for what Felith is calling the wedding of the century. Of course, that was before Reese realized it was going to involve gifts. And decorating. And a town full of recalcitrant Eldritch tenants who have no reason to trust her...… (meer)
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Her Instruments (Omnibus)
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Contains the novels Earthrise, Rose Point, Laisrathera, and A Rose Point Holiday
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"The thrills are nonstop, the alien cultures and races are well developed and fascinating, and there's just the right amount of humor to keep the whole thing fizzing." - Analog Science Fiction and Fact Merchant Trader Reese Eddings just wants to be left alone to run her (failing) operation in peace... so naturally she spends four books wrapped up in spies, pirates, and a space elf civil war! The "Her Instruments" box set contains all four novels: Earthrise Reese Eddings has enough to do keeping her rattletrap merchant vessel, the TMS Earthrise, profitable enough to feed herself and her crew. So when a mysterious benefactor from her past shows up demanding she rescue a man from slavers, her first reaction is to run for the hills. Unfortunately, she did promise to repay the loan. But she didn't think it would involve tangling with pirates over a space elf prince... Rose Point Reese is only just getting used to running the Earthrise in the black-and with an Eldritch in her crew-when Hirianthial starts showing powers that even the Eldritch have only in legend. He badly needs training, support and advice, and the only place he can find them is... at home. To see the world of the Eldritch is a once in a lifetime opportunity. And to finally meet the Eldritch Queen! You'd have to twist her arm to get her to admit it, but Reese can't wait to go. But a court out of fantasy and a breathtaking land aren't enough compensation when they come packaged with a rabidly xenophobic species whose world is falling apart.... Laisrathera The Queen of the Eldritch has offered Reese Eddings a life out of a fairy tale. Now the only thing between Reese and a castle of her very own is a maniacal alien despot, his native quisling and all the Eldritch dead-set on preventing the incursion of aliens at any cost, including the ousting of their current usurper, who happens to be an alien himself. The stakes have never been higher, and this last time will count for all... A Rose Point Holiday With the Eldritch civil war over, a castle to renovate, and a wedding to prepare for, the last thing Reese is thinking about is taking a break. But the new year is coming and the Eldritch take their holidays very seriously, so Reese decides it can't hurt to observe the local proprieties. Who knows? Maybe it'll make good practice for what Felith is calling the wedding of the century. Of course, that was before Reese realized it was going to involve gifts. And decorating. And a town full of recalcitrant Eldritch tenants who have no reason to trust her...

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