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Jesus-Centered Bible NLT, Hardcover door…
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Jesus-Centered Bible NLT, Hardcover (editie 2015)

door Group Publishing (Auteur)

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Voted #1 Devotional / Study Bible in 2016 by Christian Retailing!   Encounter Jesus in a Fresh Way Throughout the Entire Bible   Blue lettering highlights more than 600 passages in the Old Testament pointing to Jesus--references and promises that show God's love story for your life.   You'll see where Jesus appears, cover-to-cover, in every book of the Bible. Distinctive blue lettering helps you quickly and easily discover what's most important in the Bible: Jesus.   Build your understanding--and your faith in Jesus--with these unique features:   Jesus Answers Life's Biggest Questions segments focus on Jesus' answers to our most common uncertainties and concerns. Jesus in Every Book introductions to Old and New Testament books, written by prominent Christian leaders, show how each book in the Bible points straight to Jesus. "Get to Know Jesus" one-chapter-a-day Bible-reading plan helps you spend time with Jesus every day.   Reframing Jesus Break-Outs place blue-letter references in a larger cultural context, giving you aha insights into the people, places, and social forces that framed Jesus' ministry.   Jesus Questions draw you closer to Jesus as you ponder the purpose of his words and actions. And these provocative questions are great discussion starters for small groups, family devotions, outreach--anywhere you want to launch a compelling conversation about Jesus.  Jesus' spoken words and references to Jesus are highlighted with red letters in the New Testament. Names of Jesus are highlighted throughout the New Testament, giving insights into Jesus by examining how writers of the Bible referred to Jesus. Additional features include: * Easy-to-read New Living Translation * Hardcover format * Lay-flat binding for easy use * 9-point text size * Dictionary/concordance See Jesus' powerful story unfold throughout the entire Bible.  … (meer)
Titel:Jesus-Centered Bible NLT, Hardcover
Auteurs:Group Publishing (Auteur)
Info:Group Publishing (2015), 1440 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Jesus-Centered Bible NLT, Hardcover door Group Publishing

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Voted #1 Devotional / Study Bible in 2016 by Christian Retailing!   Encounter Jesus in a Fresh Way Throughout the Entire Bible   Blue lettering highlights more than 600 passages in the Old Testament pointing to Jesus--references and promises that show God's love story for your life.   You'll see where Jesus appears, cover-to-cover, in every book of the Bible. Distinctive blue lettering helps you quickly and easily discover what's most important in the Bible: Jesus.   Build your understanding--and your faith in Jesus--with these unique features:   Jesus Answers Life's Biggest Questions segments focus on Jesus' answers to our most common uncertainties and concerns. Jesus in Every Book introductions to Old and New Testament books, written by prominent Christian leaders, show how each book in the Bible points straight to Jesus. "Get to Know Jesus" one-chapter-a-day Bible-reading plan helps you spend time with Jesus every day.   Reframing Jesus Break-Outs place blue-letter references in a larger cultural context, giving you aha insights into the people, places, and social forces that framed Jesus' ministry.   Jesus Questions draw you closer to Jesus as you ponder the purpose of his words and actions. And these provocative questions are great discussion starters for small groups, family devotions, outreach--anywhere you want to launch a compelling conversation about Jesus.  Jesus' spoken words and references to Jesus are highlighted with red letters in the New Testament. Names of Jesus are highlighted throughout the New Testament, giving insights into Jesus by examining how writers of the Bible referred to Jesus. Additional features include: * Easy-to-read New Living Translation * Hardcover format * Lay-flat binding for easy use * 9-point text size * Dictionary/concordance See Jesus' powerful story unfold throughout the entire Bible.  

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