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Seasons Of My Life door Barry Hauxwell…
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Seasons Of My Life (editie 1990)

door Barry Hauxwell Hannah;Cockcroft (Auteur)

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781354,363 (3.25)3
The classic and much-loved memoir by Hannah Hauxwell about life in remote Yorkshire in the 1970s. Hannah Hauxwell first came to the nation's attention on Yorkshire television's award-winning documentary TOO LONG A WINTER, when she captured the hearts and imaginations of millions who were captivated by her ability to single-handedly run her family's farm in an isolated area in Yorkshire. Since the age of 35, following the deaths of her parents and uncle, she lived a self-sufficient life without electricity or running water at Low Birk Hatt Farm. What most enchanted people about Hannah was that she survived sixty years of gruelling work and weather with unimpaired serenity and good humour. Her love of the countryside, her passion for animals and her appreciation of the right values make Hannah a remarkable woman and in this classic book she tells her unique and inspiring story. SEASONS OF MY LIFE is an enduring and affectionate look at rural life in a world where everything is changing.… (meer)
Titel:Seasons Of My Life
Auteurs:Barry Hauxwell Hannah;Cockcroft (Auteur)
Info:Century Hutchinson (1990), Edition: Later printing, 176 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Seasons of My Life door Hannah Hauxwell

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In 1972, Barry Cockroft, a reporter for Yorkshire TV in the UK, is searching for something different to do a documentary on. He is guided to Hannah Hauxwell, born in 1926, she is living alone on her isolated family farm on the Yorkshire Dales.

A documentary was made on her life, it followed her over the course of a year, as she did her day to day activities and spoke of the local history and her memories of life growing up. This is a book from that series. I think I would have enjoyed watching the show better than the book. The book was short so I read it all. The look at life in the 1930's and 40's was very interesting - life was hard - no time for Christmas or Birthdays. Gradually as her family dies, or moves away, Hannah is left alone. This book looks at her as she makes the decision to sell up and move to a nearby village. ( )
  sally906 | Nov 9, 2008 |
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The classic and much-loved memoir by Hannah Hauxwell about life in remote Yorkshire in the 1970s. Hannah Hauxwell first came to the nation's attention on Yorkshire television's award-winning documentary TOO LONG A WINTER, when she captured the hearts and imaginations of millions who were captivated by her ability to single-handedly run her family's farm in an isolated area in Yorkshire. Since the age of 35, following the deaths of her parents and uncle, she lived a self-sufficient life without electricity or running water at Low Birk Hatt Farm. What most enchanted people about Hannah was that she survived sixty years of gruelling work and weather with unimpaired serenity and good humour. Her love of the countryside, her passion for animals and her appreciation of the right values make Hannah a remarkable woman and in this classic book she tells her unique and inspiring story. SEASONS OF MY LIFE is an enduring and affectionate look at rural life in a world where everything is changing.

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