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Urban Legends: Bizarre Tales You Won't Believe

door James Proud

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New Age. Reference. Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:Astonishing tales of the Titanic, nuclear cockroaches, subway alligators, a two-headed dog, Black Bart the Pirate, Bonnie & Clyde, the Bunny Man, and more.
Did you hear about the kids who found a Ferrari buried in their garden? What about the man who sued Satan? Or the woman who woke up in the middle of her funeral? Do you know the legend of the Bunny Man?
There are some stories that people will claim are true without a doubt, no matter the circumstance. This collection showcases the best of these fascinating and often creepy
Whether you believe these urban myths or not, they have the power to unnerve and enthrall us all. This incredible compilation of captivating stories will keep readers on the edge of their seats.
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New Age. Reference. Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:Astonishing tales of the Titanic, nuclear cockroaches, subway alligators, a two-headed dog, Black Bart the Pirate, Bonnie & Clyde, the Bunny Man, and more.
Did you hear about the kids who found a Ferrari buried in their garden? What about the man who sued Satan? Or the woman who woke up in the middle of her funeral? Do you know the legend of the Bunny Man?
There are some stories that people will claim are true without a doubt, no matter the circumstance. This collection showcases the best of these fascinating and often creepy
Whether you believe these urban myths or not, they have the power to unnerve and enthrall us all. This incredible compilation of captivating stories will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

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