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Dealing with death : the ultimate teen guide

door Kathlyn Gay

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"Death is a sensitive subject for most people. Whether due to fear or superstition, many individuals avoid the topic of mortality. For teens, the subject is taboo as well. Most young adults believe that death won't affect them, so they'd rather not talk about it. But death is a natural course of life, and everyone-- including teens-- will encounter it at some time in their lives, some sooner than later, and some unexpectedly. In [this book], Kathlyn Gay addresses this difficult subject, providing matter-of-fact discussions on a number of issues that help teens better understand the nature of mortality. This book looks at the personal, legal, and moral questions related to death, including: How do you deal with the deal of a loved one? What's it like to live with a terminal illness? What happens after you die? Featuring real stories and quotes from teens about their experiences, this book shows young adults a variety of views on dying and grieving. This book will help readers deal with death-- not only the reality that death is inevitable for all of us-- but also the many ways people face death and bereavement. [This book] serves as a valuable resource for all teens, whether they are dealing with tragedy or just looking for more information on a tough subject."… (meer)

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"Death is a sensitive subject for most people. Whether due to fear or superstition, many individuals avoid the topic of mortality. For teens, the subject is taboo as well. Most young adults believe that death won't affect them, so they'd rather not talk about it. But death is a natural course of life, and everyone-- including teens-- will encounter it at some time in their lives, some sooner than later, and some unexpectedly. In [this book], Kathlyn Gay addresses this difficult subject, providing matter-of-fact discussions on a number of issues that help teens better understand the nature of mortality. This book looks at the personal, legal, and moral questions related to death, including: How do you deal with the deal of a loved one? What's it like to live with a terminal illness? What happens after you die? Featuring real stories and quotes from teens about their experiences, this book shows young adults a variety of views on dying and grieving. This book will help readers deal with death-- not only the reality that death is inevitable for all of us-- but also the many ways people face death and bereavement. [This book] serves as a valuable resource for all teens, whether they are dealing with tragedy or just looking for more information on a tough subject."

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