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The flash stick creative off-camera lighting solutions for the solo photographer

door Rod Deutschmann

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Fully exploring the possibilities of the flash stick, a new modified light stand, this in-depth guidebook helps professional photographers more efficiently create spectacular shots. Used for solo shooting, the flash stick helps photographers distance the flash from the camera, allowing the creation of images that would be impossible with on-camera or hand-held flash--and to do so without the need of an assistant. The manual describes proper manipulation and use of the stick and how it not only helps cut a professional’s overhead cost but also makes lighting easy and quick. Rod and Robin Deutschmann include instruction on building a flash stick, as well how to construct a "double-barrel” version for even greater creativity. From setting up communication between the camera and flash, to modifying the light, to balancing the flash and ambient-light levels, all the instructions for skillful mastery and flawless use of this exciting tool are included.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorjbmonco

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Fully exploring the possibilities of the flash stick, a new modified light stand, this in-depth guidebook helps professional photographers more efficiently create spectacular shots. Used for solo shooting, the flash stick helps photographers distance the flash from the camera, allowing the creation of images that would be impossible with on-camera or hand-held flash--and to do so without the need of an assistant. The manual describes proper manipulation and use of the stick and how it not only helps cut a professional’s overhead cost but also makes lighting easy and quick. Rod and Robin Deutschmann include instruction on building a flash stick, as well how to construct a "double-barrel” version for even greater creativity. From setting up communication between the camera and flash, to modifying the light, to balancing the flash and ambient-light levels, all the instructions for skillful mastery and flawless use of this exciting tool are included.

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