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YouTube, The Home of Vlogging : The rise of video on demand

door 50Minutes.Com

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Find out how YouTube made video content accessible to all in just 50 minutes! YouTube is a video sharing platform which was launched in 2005. Although it was originally developed as a simple video sharing platform, it has evolved into one of the most popular websites on the internet, with one billion hours of content being watched on the site per day in 2017. Its influence has become so widespread that many of its users have launched highly successful careers in entertainment and other fields through the site. In this concise and accessible guide, you will find out how YouTube revolutionized the way video content is shared on the internet, how it has evolved over the years and what is in store for the site in the future. In 50 minutes you will: - Learn about YouTube's origins and evolution - Discover how Google's acquisition of the site influenced its development - Understand the challenges YouTube faces in today's online video streaming market.… (meer)

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Find out how YouTube made video content accessible to all in just 50 minutes! YouTube is a video sharing platform which was launched in 2005. Although it was originally developed as a simple video sharing platform, it has evolved into one of the most popular websites on the internet, with one billion hours of content being watched on the site per day in 2017. Its influence has become so widespread that many of its users have launched highly successful careers in entertainment and other fields through the site. In this concise and accessible guide, you will find out how YouTube revolutionized the way video content is shared on the internet, how it has evolved over the years and what is in store for the site in the future. In 50 minutes you will: - Learn about YouTube's origins and evolution - Discover how Google's acquisition of the site influenced its development - Understand the challenges YouTube faces in today's online video streaming market.

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