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The Sugar Merchant's Wife

door Erica Brown

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In the face of changing fortunes, the Strong family must unite to keep their wealth and status: or risk losing it all. It?s 1850 and cholera is sweeping through the streets of Bristol. Blanche and her husband are devastated by the loss of their daughter as they discover that no one is immune. Lost in her grief, her childhood sweetheart Tom Strong, is the only one who can bring her back to her family. Meanwhile, Horatia Strong has her sights on leading the family dynasty, as her brother Nelson succumbs to his opium habit. Still desperately in love with her adoptive cousin, Tom, she knows that he can give her the wealth and strength to take the family businesses to new heights. Will Tom be able to leave his romantic history with Blanche behind for the sake of his family? Previously published as Just Before Dawn by Jeannie Johnson. Perfect for fans of Sharon Maas, Rosie Goodwin and Pam Howes. Don?t miss the rest of the Strong Family Sagas: 1. Daughter of Destiny 2. The Sugar Merchant?s Wife 3. Return to Paradise.… (meer)

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In the face of changing fortunes, the Strong family must unite to keep their wealth and status: or risk losing it all. It?s 1850 and cholera is sweeping through the streets of Bristol. Blanche and her husband are devastated by the loss of their daughter as they discover that no one is immune. Lost in her grief, her childhood sweetheart Tom Strong, is the only one who can bring her back to her family. Meanwhile, Horatia Strong has her sights on leading the family dynasty, as her brother Nelson succumbs to his opium habit. Still desperately in love with her adoptive cousin, Tom, she knows that he can give her the wealth and strength to take the family businesses to new heights. Will Tom be able to leave his romantic history with Blanche behind for the sake of his family? Previously published as Just Before Dawn by Jeannie Johnson. Perfect for fans of Sharon Maas, Rosie Goodwin and Pam Howes. Don?t miss the rest of the Strong Family Sagas: 1. Daughter of Destiny 2. The Sugar Merchant?s Wife 3. Return to Paradise.

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