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Fodor's Road Guide USA: Oregon, Washington, 1st Edition

door Fodor's

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In Fodor's Road Guide USA you'll find everything you need for a great road trip -- whether you're going across the country or to a family reunion in the next state over. In this guide to Oregon and Washington, you'll find thousands of listings of things to see and do as well as hotels and restaurants in all price ranges in major cities, suburbs, small towns, and the countryside. Other essential trip planning resources include lively state and town introductions, climate charts, historical timelines, festival and events, rules of the road, sidebars filled with great tips, driving and walking tours, exact prices, web sites, and full-color highway maps.Plus -- don't miss the Compass American Guides The perfect companion to Fodor's Road Guide USA is our Compass American Guide series-fully illustrated cultural guides to destinations across the USA. To find out more about the guides listed below, type the title in the keyword box.* Fodor's Compass American Guides: Oregon: A full-color guide, providing in-depth coverage of the history, culture, and character of Oregon. * Fodor's Compass American Guides: Pacific Northwest: A full-color guide, providing in-depth coverage of the history, culture, and character of Pacific Northwest. * Fodor's Compass American Guides: Washington: A full-color guide, providing in-depth coverage of the history, culture, and character of Washington.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorAlan.Hald, AHald, SevAndZ

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In Fodor's Road Guide USA you'll find everything you need for a great road trip -- whether you're going across the country or to a family reunion in the next state over. In this guide to Oregon and Washington, you'll find thousands of listings of things to see and do as well as hotels and restaurants in all price ranges in major cities, suburbs, small towns, and the countryside. Other essential trip planning resources include lively state and town introductions, climate charts, historical timelines, festival and events, rules of the road, sidebars filled with great tips, driving and walking tours, exact prices, web sites, and full-color highway maps.Plus -- don't miss the Compass American Guides The perfect companion to Fodor's Road Guide USA is our Compass American Guide series-fully illustrated cultural guides to destinations across the USA. To find out more about the guides listed below, type the title in the keyword box.* Fodor's Compass American Guides: Oregon: A full-color guide, providing in-depth coverage of the history, culture, and character of Oregon. * Fodor's Compass American Guides: Pacific Northwest: A full-color guide, providing in-depth coverage of the history, culture, and character of Pacific Northwest. * Fodor's Compass American Guides: Washington: A full-color guide, providing in-depth coverage of the history, culture, and character of Washington.

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