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Intuitive Astrology: Follow Your Best…
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Intuitive Astrology: Follow Your Best Instincts to Become Who You Always Intended to Be (editie 2007)

door Elizabeth Rose Campbell (Auteur)

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"Intuitive Astrology is simply wonderful.  I've used and studied astrology for many years, and this is one of the most accessible and practical guides ever written." -- Christiane Northrup, M.D. Author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdsom and The Wisdom of Menopause "A user-friendly gift of intelligence, accessibility, and depth." --ELIZABETH LESSER Co-founder of Omega Institute and author of The Seeker's Guide Is astrology destiny? Of course not! Your birth chart does not foresee a future written in stone, and predictive astrology is just a parlor game. The original purpose of astrology was to help you tap into your inner wisdom, ask yourself the right questions, and find your own answers to life's challenges. Now this unconventional and refreshing guide helps you reconnect with the sea of intuition that flows through each of us--so you can discover your true purpose. Based upon the author's nearly twenty years of experience as a professional astrologer, this amazing book gives you a secure orientation in the basic principles of astrology and teaches you highly effective techniques for identifying your talent, your passion, your spiritual support, and your connection to community. * Clear instructions on technically reading the planets, signs, and houses in your birth chart as well as a primer on the meaning of each * Easy-to-follow intuitive exercises to connect with your "cosmic database," a wellspring of creativity that encourages you to trust your potential and to love who you are in the present * Helpful ways to trust your own limits and use them as inner teachers * Twelve true life stories that illustrate the inspiring and uniquely brilliant way in which each of us can bring an astrological script to life If you are drawn to astrology but are intimidated by its apparent complexities, this generous, comprehensive book is the book for you. It presents the basics of astrology with crystal clarity and prepares you to use them with a subtle, finely honed precision that no other source provides. Even if you're an experienced astrologer, you'll be enlightened and stimulated by Elizabeth Rose Campbell's affirmation: When you follow your best instincts, you follow the stars. … (meer)
Titel:Intuitive Astrology: Follow Your Best Instincts to Become Who You Always Intended to Be
Auteurs:Elizabeth Rose Campbell (Auteur)
Info:Ballantine Books (2007), Edition: 1, 354 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Verlanglijst

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Intuitive Astrology: Follow Your Best Instincts to Become Who You Always Intended to Be door Elizabeth Rose Campbell

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"Intuitive Astrology is simply wonderful.  I've used and studied astrology for many years, and this is one of the most accessible and practical guides ever written." -- Christiane Northrup, M.D. Author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdsom and The Wisdom of Menopause "A user-friendly gift of intelligence, accessibility, and depth." --ELIZABETH LESSER Co-founder of Omega Institute and author of The Seeker's Guide Is astrology destiny? Of course not! Your birth chart does not foresee a future written in stone, and predictive astrology is just a parlor game. The original purpose of astrology was to help you tap into your inner wisdom, ask yourself the right questions, and find your own answers to life's challenges. Now this unconventional and refreshing guide helps you reconnect with the sea of intuition that flows through each of us--so you can discover your true purpose. Based upon the author's nearly twenty years of experience as a professional astrologer, this amazing book gives you a secure orientation in the basic principles of astrology and teaches you highly effective techniques for identifying your talent, your passion, your spiritual support, and your connection to community. * Clear instructions on technically reading the planets, signs, and houses in your birth chart as well as a primer on the meaning of each * Easy-to-follow intuitive exercises to connect with your "cosmic database," a wellspring of creativity that encourages you to trust your potential and to love who you are in the present * Helpful ways to trust your own limits and use them as inner teachers * Twelve true life stories that illustrate the inspiring and uniquely brilliant way in which each of us can bring an astrological script to life If you are drawn to astrology but are intimidated by its apparent complexities, this generous, comprehensive book is the book for you. It presents the basics of astrology with crystal clarity and prepares you to use them with a subtle, finely honed precision that no other source provides. Even if you're an experienced astrologer, you'll be enlightened and stimulated by Elizabeth Rose Campbell's affirmation: When you follow your best instincts, you follow the stars.

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