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The Cow Who Clucked door Denise Fleming
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The Cow Who Clucked (editie 2006)

door Denise Fleming, Denise Fleming (Illustrator)

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8003228,818 (3.65)1
When a cow loses her moo, she searches to see if another animal in the barn has it.
Titel:The Cow Who Clucked
Auteurs:Denise Fleming
Andere auteurs:Denise Fleming (Illustrator)
Info:Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) (2006), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 40 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Cow Who Clucked door Denise Fleming

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When a cow loses her moo, she searches to see if another animal in the barn has it.

Cow has lost her moo—can she find it again?
Having lost her moo, Cow is stuck clucking. The only thing to do is go out and find that moo! Join Cow and her friends as they conduct their vocal barnyard search. Cow tramps through a wheat field and on into the starry night until she is too tired to look any farther. But in the end, Cow and her moo are reunited, and all is well.
The simple repetition will have children chanting right along with Cow—"It is not you who has my moo!"
Using a van Gogh-inspired palette and art style, Caldecott Honor winner Denise Fleming has created a character who will appeal directly to a preschooler's sense of humor.
The Cow Who Clucked is a 2007 Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year.
  EKiddieKollege | Dec 14, 2020 |
Easy repetitive story with animal sounds. Blah ending. ( )
  klnbennett | Oct 7, 2020 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
I really liked this book. I liked that Fleming introduced all animals and the sounds they make. This allows children to understand the sounds of the animals. Also, I liked how it was a silly book with the cow that is searching for his moo. He goes to each animal and clucks to find out that the hen who moos at him to find out that the hen has his moo. ( )
  ogonzales | Sep 11, 2019 |
When Cow wakes up one morning and clucks, she discovers she’s lost her moo. She sets out to find it, but every animal she meets has his or her own sound, not her missing moo. Discouraged, she heads for the barn. Will she ever find her moo?

This laugh-out-loud tale, with its wide variety of animals, is certain to keep young readers delighted. The colorful illustrations enhance this humorous tale that’s certain to captivate and entertain young children.

Highly recommended. ( )
  jfe16 | Apr 6, 2018 |
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When a cow loses her moo, she searches to see if another animal in the barn has it.

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