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Saints for the Family

door John Murray

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Best-selling author of 'Saints for Our Time' and 'Saints for the Journey' Fr John Murray introduces us to a selection of saints for the family, to mark the World Meeting of Families, which takes place in Dublin in August. Among those included are traditional Biblical figures like Joseph husband of Mary as well as Elizabeth and Zechariah. There are classical saints too from the Church's past such as Margaret of Scotland and Bernadette of Lourdes. However, the author wanted to show also that many who came from families also experienced difficulties and trauma, people like Laura Vicuna who suffered abuse and Antonia Brenner who had two failed marriages before befriending prisoners in a maximum, security complex. There too is Sr. Ignatia, who helped in the founding of the AA organization and Bartolo Longo. Who at one time was a Satanist priest, but became in time a great devotee of the rosary. There are also couples included, like the parents of St Therese of Lisieux as well as the parents...… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorCatholicLibraryAssoc, mcnally7
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Murray’s book offers reflections on a selection of saints, many of whom were married couples or parents, but all of whom are closely connected to familial devotion. The author’s stated aim was to produce this title in preparation for the 2018 World Meeting of Families but also, beyond that event, to speak of the importance of family to faith. Of note is the purposeful selection of saints that offer a diverse collection of views of the family. If the aim of hagiology is to offer saints’ lives as paragons, this title presents examples that challenge the reader to take a second look at the paths to holiness taken by the subjects. Murray presents the reader with aspects of the family that range from blood relative families of parents and children to spiritual families of friends and pastoral communities. These thoughtful choices reveal exemplars such as entire families that selflessly lived to the fullest the commandment to love our neighbors, individuals who chose self-defined missions to build spiritual families, or those who led by example by gaining balance between contemplation and activism. Highly recommended for parish libraries or family life education collections.
toegevoegd door SusanMCamille | bewerkCatholic Library World 89.3, Susan M. Camille (Mar 1, 2019)
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Best-selling author of 'Saints for Our Time' and 'Saints for the Journey' Fr John Murray introduces us to a selection of saints for the family, to mark the World Meeting of Families, which takes place in Dublin in August. Among those included are traditional Biblical figures like Joseph husband of Mary as well as Elizabeth and Zechariah. There are classical saints too from the Church's past such as Margaret of Scotland and Bernadette of Lourdes. However, the author wanted to show also that many who came from families also experienced difficulties and trauma, people like Laura Vicuna who suffered abuse and Antonia Brenner who had two failed marriages before befriending prisoners in a maximum, security complex. There too is Sr. Ignatia, who helped in the founding of the AA organization and Bartolo Longo. Who at one time was a Satanist priest, but became in time a great devotee of the rosary. There are also couples included, like the parents of St Therese of Lisieux as well as the parents...

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