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Chains Around the Grass door Naomi Ragen
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Chains Around the Grass (editie 2003)

door Naomi Ragen

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973288,988 (3.89)Geen
Set in the 1950's in New York City, this is a portrait of a Jewish-American family that glows with affection, tenderness, and courage when tragedy changes the lives of all who are left behind.
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I understood many feelings expressed throughout the book; it was as though I was with Ruth and her family. The descriptions of their life after husband and father dies; poor, proud, afraid, and beholden to others, is realistic and sorrowful. While I was fortunate to grow up with both parents, in a lower middle-class lifestyle, we never had plenty of money so had to manage with less.

I had a few classmates whose fathers had died prematurely, and their family situations deteriorated quickly.

This story has riches to offer its readers.

I remember experiencing strong feelings while reading this novel, so I definitely recommend it. ( )
  Bookish59 | Aug 18, 2010 |
Chains Around the Grass, by Naomi Ragen is a novel that is about family dynamics, expectations, resilience and so much more.

David Markowitz is a Jew who has done what so many other Jews have done in the past, given up his Jewish identity and assimilated into the folds of America. He changed his son’s surname to Marks. He has high hopes of making it big in a world filled with schemers and dreamers.

Many may not like Chains Around the Grass, due to its slowness and/or often depressive content. I felt that the characters could have had more depth, even within their repressive environment. ( )
  LorriMilli | Feb 25, 2010 |
Other than the missing 45 years, this was a good read. You get to know characters that you did not expect to get to know when you first opened the book. ( )
  drinkingtea | Apr 20, 2006 |
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Set in the 1950's in New York City, this is a portrait of a Jewish-American family that glows with affection, tenderness, and courage when tragedy changes the lives of all who are left behind.

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