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AACN's core curriculum for pediatric high acuity, progressive, and critical care nursing

door Margaret Slota Dnp Rn Faan

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"AACN Core Curriculum for Pediatric High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care, Third Edition, provides content required to deliver the best care for critically ill or injured children. As acuity increases in all inpatient departments and the practice of pediatric critical care expands beyond the acute phase of illness or injury, knowledge of pediatric critical care is more essential than ever. Pediatric acute and critical care nurses find themselves handling not only their patients, but care of their families and management of an interprofessional team of caregivers. With emphasis on evidence-based care and professionalism, this essential resource captures the professional role of the pediatric critical care nurse and the nurse's contributions to the process of continuous quality improvement. Ideal for pediatric critical care and acute care nurses, high acuity/critical care courses, and continuing education, AACN Core Curriculum for Pediatric High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care, Third Edition, contains core AACN guidelines for the highest quality nursing practice. The text covers anatomic, physiologic, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur throughout the pediatric lifespan. Chapters are systems focused and review developmental anatomy and physiology, clinical assessment, pharmacology, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic procedures. For each type of disease and injury, information is provided on pathophysiology, etiology, risk factors, signs and symptoms, nursing and collaborative interprofessional management, and complications"--Publisher's description.… (meer)
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"AACN Core Curriculum for Pediatric High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care, Third Edition, provides content required to deliver the best care for critically ill or injured children. As acuity increases in all inpatient departments and the practice of pediatric critical care expands beyond the acute phase of illness or injury, knowledge of pediatric critical care is more essential than ever. Pediatric acute and critical care nurses find themselves handling not only their patients, but care of their families and management of an interprofessional team of caregivers. With emphasis on evidence-based care and professionalism, this essential resource captures the professional role of the pediatric critical care nurse and the nurse's contributions to the process of continuous quality improvement. Ideal for pediatric critical care and acute care nurses, high acuity/critical care courses, and continuing education, AACN Core Curriculum for Pediatric High Acuity, Progressive, and Critical Care, Third Edition, contains core AACN guidelines for the highest quality nursing practice. The text covers anatomic, physiologic, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that occur throughout the pediatric lifespan. Chapters are systems focused and review developmental anatomy and physiology, clinical assessment, pharmacology, diagnostic tests, and therapeutic procedures. For each type of disease and injury, information is provided on pathophysiology, etiology, risk factors, signs and symptoms, nursing and collaborative interprofessional management, and complications"--Publisher's description.

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