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Bezig met laden... The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2018door Sam Kean (Redacteur), Tim Folger (Series Editor)
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Meld je aan bij LibraryThing om erachter te komen of je dit boek goed zult vinden. Op dit moment geen Discussie gesprekken over dit boek. green I really enjoy Sam Kean’s books and I see his influence (as editor) in this annual anthology -- the most enjoyable being that he created the themed section titles from protest signs at the 2017 worldwide March for Science following the 2016 U.S. presidential election, for example: “So Bad, Even the Introverts Are Here” “At the Start of Every Disaster Movie Is a Scientist Being Ignored” “We Are Not Just Resistors, We Are Transformers” “What Do We Want? Evidence-Based Science. When Do We Want It? After Peer Review” “I’m Not a Mad Scientist. I’m Absolutely Furious” I was distressed to read more about human effects on the earth’s air and waters…and sickened to learn about the amount of accumulated space trash. There were fewer entries about the biological sciences than I would like, and more about the physical sciences, but it’s a very good collection. geen besprekingen | voeg een bespreking toe
HTML: "This is one of the most exciting times in the history of science," New York Times-bestselling author Sam Kean proclaims in his introduction to The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2018. "Things aren't perfect by any means. But there are more scientists making more discoveries in more places about more things than ever before." The twenty-six pieces assembled here chart the full spectrum of those discoveries. From the outer reaches of space, to the mysteries of the human mind, to the changing culture in labs and universities across the nation, we see time and again the sometimes rocky, sometimes revelatory road to understanding, and along the way catch a glimpse of all that's left to learn. Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden. |
Actuele discussiesGeenGenresDewey Decimale Classificatie (DDC)810.8Literature English (North America) American literature Anthologies and CollectionsLC-classificatieWaarderingGemiddelde:
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