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Mist, Metal, and Ash (Ink, Iron, and Glass)…
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Mist, Metal, and Ash (Ink, Iron, and Glass) (editie 2019)

door Gwendolyn Clare (Auteur)

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701391,060 (3.58)Geen
In an alternate 19th-century Italy, Elsa has an incredible gift: she can craft new worlds with precise lines of script written in books. But political extremists have stolen the most dangerous book ever scribed--one that can rewrite the Earth itself. Now Elsa must track down the friend who betrayed her and recover the book before its destructive power is unleashed. Can she handle the secrets she'll uncover along the way--including the ones hiding in her own heart?… (meer)
Titel:Mist, Metal, and Ash (Ink, Iron, and Glass)
Auteurs:Gwendolyn Clare (Auteur)
Info:Imprint (2019), 336 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Mist, Metal, and Ash (Ink, Iron, and Glass) door Gwendolyn Clare

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Elsa is a conjured person created from a powerful book that can affect the worlds both inside and outside its pages. Elsa is a scriptotolgist, a person with the ability to write anything into existence. When Elsa’s mother was kidnapped from their created world of Veldana, Elsa followed into the Earth realm where she met other people with skills like her own (called pazzerellone). With their help, Elsa was able to stop a nefarious plot only to be betrayed by Leo, a fellow pazzerellone and member of the Order.
Now Elsa and the remaining members of the Order (other pazzerellone) must stop Leo from giving the editbook to his estranged father and head of the Carbonari, a group that wants to use the book’s power to literally change the Earth and all other worlds into whatever is desired by the holder of the book. Elsa will have to infiltrate the Carbonari and convince Leo’s father that she is one of them if she is to retrieve the editbook. Will she be able to stop the oncoming apocalypse and maybe save her troubled friend Leo as well? The whole of creation depends on Elsa and the decisions she makes. One mistake and all could be lost.

This rollicking read picks right up where “Ink, Iron, and Glass” ended and it keeps moving. This is a highly inventive and well thought out universe for the characters to traverse. The main themes of love, loyalty, and faith are well represented throughout the story. The characters and the various powers they wield are logical and well developed. Several different points of view give the reader a richer experience. This is a wonderful sequel and is best read with its predecessor to truly get the most out of both stories. Recommended for fans of action and adventure who love great world building and multidimensional characters. For grades 7-11. ( )
  SWONroyal | Sep 10, 2019 |
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In an alternate 19th-century Italy, Elsa has an incredible gift: she can craft new worlds with precise lines of script written in books. But political extremists have stolen the most dangerous book ever scribed--one that can rewrite the Earth itself. Now Elsa must track down the friend who betrayed her and recover the book before its destructive power is unleashed. Can she handle the secrets she'll uncover along the way--including the ones hiding in her own heart?

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