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Stephen White CD Collection 3: Harm's Way, Remote Control, Critical Conditions

door Stephen White

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Harm's Way: When Dr. Alan Gregory's good friend Peter Arvin is found bloody and dying on the stage of a Colorado theatre, suspicion soars that he has become the second victim of a killer whose first prey was discovered amid the scenery of a Broadway production. Alan is immediately asked to respond to two pleas for help: one from the police, who want a psychological profile of the murderer, and one from Peter's widow, who is desperate to know the meaning of her dead husband's secrets. Alan's journey takes him deep into Peter's past and toward the discovery of harrowing truths about the human heart -- about the struggle for survival and the quest for forgiveness -- that seem always just out of his reach. Remote Control: Emma Spire is the daughter of the assassinated U.S. Surgeon General. She has been on the cover of every national magazine; everyone wants a piece of her -- and she must escape the feeding frenzy at all costs. But she cannot, and the consequences are deadly. Dr. Alan Gregory must solve this case not only to save a golden girl pursued by the furies of fame, but also his wife, Boulder County D.A. Lauren Crowder, imprisoned on suspicion of murder. It was Lauren who took Emma under her wing, and Lauren who pulled the trigger on Emma's dangerous and mysterious stalker. Alan suspects he may not be dealing with a sick mind fixated on female perfection, but with deadly greed fueled by a high-tech prize that may be worth billions. His investigation is turned into a desperate race against time as his wife's incarceration threatens to become a death sentence. Critical Conditions: Summoned to the hospital to learn of the motives behind a teenage girl's suicide attempt, Alan discovers that the girl's young stepsister lies near death in another hospital with a heart disease. Denied an experimental new treatment by her parent's managed-care provider, the stepsister has become a symbol of a health care system more concerned with costs than with its patients. And when a wealthy executive of the family's HMO is found dead, Alan and Denver detective Sam Purdy uncover the truth that links the teenage girl to his death, and the truth behind a family willing to kill in the name of love...and revenge.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorCeacjoy, FPCWebster
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Harm's Way: When Dr. Alan Gregory's good friend Peter Arvin is found bloody and dying on the stage of a Colorado theatre, suspicion soars that he has become the second victim of a killer whose first prey was discovered amid the scenery of a Broadway production. Alan is immediately asked to respond to two pleas for help: one from the police, who want a psychological profile of the murderer, and one from Peter's widow, who is desperate to know the meaning of her dead husband's secrets. Alan's journey takes him deep into Peter's past and toward the discovery of harrowing truths about the human heart -- about the struggle for survival and the quest for forgiveness -- that seem always just out of his reach. Remote Control: Emma Spire is the daughter of the assassinated U.S. Surgeon General. She has been on the cover of every national magazine; everyone wants a piece of her -- and she must escape the feeding frenzy at all costs. But she cannot, and the consequences are deadly. Dr. Alan Gregory must solve this case not only to save a golden girl pursued by the furies of fame, but also his wife, Boulder County D.A. Lauren Crowder, imprisoned on suspicion of murder. It was Lauren who took Emma under her wing, and Lauren who pulled the trigger on Emma's dangerous and mysterious stalker. Alan suspects he may not be dealing with a sick mind fixated on female perfection, but with deadly greed fueled by a high-tech prize that may be worth billions. His investigation is turned into a desperate race against time as his wife's incarceration threatens to become a death sentence. Critical Conditions: Summoned to the hospital to learn of the motives behind a teenage girl's suicide attempt, Alan discovers that the girl's young stepsister lies near death in another hospital with a heart disease. Denied an experimental new treatment by her parent's managed-care provider, the stepsister has become a symbol of a health care system more concerned with costs than with its patients. And when a wealthy executive of the family's HMO is found dead, Alan and Denver detective Sam Purdy uncover the truth that links the teenage girl to his death, and the truth behind a family willing to kill in the name of love...and revenge.

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