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Terrible Beauty door Nancy Baker
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Terrible Beauty (origineel 1996; editie 1997)

door Nancy Baker

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742371,837 (3.97)1
A fairy tale with bite--vampire-style. "Don't hold your breath waiting for Disney to film this very adult and erotic version of Beauty and the Beast." --Winnipeg Free Press   "Will you give me your blood to drink, though you die of it?" In an unexpected twist on a fairy tale, an artist goes into the wilderness to fulfill his father's debt and finds himself the prisoner of a dangerously beautiful inhuman monster.   "A Terrible Beauty is modern Canadian Gothic . . . Nancy Baker shows her mastery of the form--the mysterious letter, the journey into the wilderness, the shadows that hide from the flickering firelight--and her real affection for a good ol' fashioned vampire yarn." --The Telegraph Journal (Saint John)   "Baker's narrative is seductive and compelling. Like Rice, she transcends the horror genre." --Province Showcase (Vancouver)   "A polished and enchanting tale . . . It is, in a word, breathtaking." --Ottawa Citizen   "Baker's prose is lush and sensual . . . she has a real gift for making the fantastic seem plausible and investing the mundane with eerie significance." --Toronto Sun   "A very interesting and unique take on Beauty and the Beast." --SFFP Romance… (meer)
Titel:Terrible Beauty
Auteurs:Nancy Baker
Info:Penguin Canada (APB) (1997), Paperback, 288 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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A Terrible Beauty door Nancy Baker (1996)

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3.5 Stars ( )
  moonlit.shelves | Jan 6, 2024 |
Beautiful love story. Needing someone so badly it is a matter of life or death yet willing to let him go. Epitome of unselfish love. ( )
  Thelkaen | Jun 25, 2006 |
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A fairy tale with bite--vampire-style. "Don't hold your breath waiting for Disney to film this very adult and erotic version of Beauty and the Beast." --Winnipeg Free Press   "Will you give me your blood to drink, though you die of it?" In an unexpected twist on a fairy tale, an artist goes into the wilderness to fulfill his father's debt and finds himself the prisoner of a dangerously beautiful inhuman monster.   "A Terrible Beauty is modern Canadian Gothic . . . Nancy Baker shows her mastery of the form--the mysterious letter, the journey into the wilderness, the shadows that hide from the flickering firelight--and her real affection for a good ol' fashioned vampire yarn." --The Telegraph Journal (Saint John)   "Baker's narrative is seductive and compelling. Like Rice, she transcends the horror genre." --Province Showcase (Vancouver)   "A polished and enchanting tale . . . It is, in a word, breathtaking." --Ottawa Citizen   "Baker's prose is lush and sensual . . . she has a real gift for making the fantastic seem plausible and investing the mundane with eerie significance." --Toronto Sun   "A very interesting and unique take on Beauty and the Beast." --SFFP Romance

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Gemiddelde: (3.97)
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3.5 1
4 6
5 4

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