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Understanding the New Testament door Howard…
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Understanding the New Testament (editie 1973)

door Howard Clark Kee (Auteur)

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624239,173 (3)Geen
By combining analyses of the historical, cultural and literary features of Judaism and of the Greco-Roman world with careful examination of the writings that became known as the New Testament, this book offers direct insights into the origins of Christianity. KEY TOPICS: It includes religious aspirations of the Mediterranean peoples, including Jews at the turn of the eras, are sketched with detailed analyses of the early Christian writings, and with attention to the social and cultural dimensions of groups by and for whom these works were produced. This book is used throughout the world and is translated into many languages.… (meer)
Titel:Understanding the New Testament
Auteurs:Howard Clark Kee (Auteur)
Info:Prentice-Hall (1973), Edition: 3rd, 446 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen, Verlanglijst

Informatie over het werk

De wereld van het Nieuwe Testament door Howard Clark Kee (Author)

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By combining analyses of the historical, cultural and literary features of Judaism and of the Greco-Roman world with careful examination of the writings that became known as the New Testament, this book offers direct insights into the origins of Christianity.
  StFrancisofAssisi | Apr 30, 2019 |
Gift of Janice Chappie in memory of her son, Damon.
  Exeterfriends | Jun 10, 2009 |
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Kee, Howard ClarkAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Froehlich, KarlfriedSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Young, Franklin W.Secundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Young, Franklin W.Secundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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By combining analyses of the historical, cultural and literary features of Judaism and of the Greco-Roman world with careful examination of the writings that became known as the New Testament, this book offers direct insights into the origins of Christianity. KEY TOPICS: It includes religious aspirations of the Mediterranean peoples, including Jews at the turn of the eras, are sketched with detailed analyses of the early Christian writings, and with attention to the social and cultural dimensions of groups by and for whom these works were produced. This book is used throughout the world and is translated into many languages.

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