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Refugee 87 door Ele Fountain
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Refugee 87 (editie 2019)

door Ele Fountain (Auteur)

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823338,265 (4.5)2
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:A young refugee crosses continents in this timely, heartbreaking, and ultimately uplifting novel of survival.Shif has a happy life, unfamiliar with the horrors of his country's regime. He is one of the smartest boys in school, and feels safe and loved in the home he shares with his mother and little sister, right next door to his best friend. But the day that soldiers arrive at his door, Shif knows that he will never be safe again—his only choice is to run. Facing both unthinkable cruelty and boundless kindness, Shif bravely makes his way towards a future he can barely imagine.Based on real experiences and written in spare, powerful prose, this gripping debut illustrates the realities faced by countless young refugees across the world today. Refugee 87 is a story of friendship, kindness, hardship, survival, and — above all — hope.… (meer)
Titel:Refugee 87
Auteurs:Ele Fountain (Auteur)
Info:Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (2019), 256 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Refugee 87 door Ele Fountain

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Excellent, gritty story set in Africa ( although once again Fountain doesn't actually mention any countries) about Shif, a young boy of 11 who is forced to leave his mother and sister and imprisoned in a box in the desert for challenging the authorities. (His mother had packed a bag in order for him to leave the country and the soldiers found it). Together with his friend Bini, they endure prison life and discover that some of the prisoners have been there for years rotting in this hell hole. The prisoners decide to tell the two boys their stories and then help them escape. While escaping, tragedy happens and Shif is left alone to travel on to the nearest village where he is befriended by a kind family. After saving their daughter, the family decide to take Shif with them in their attempt to travel overseas in a boat to another country. But on the journey, the boat capsizes...
Gut-wrenching tale of what may drive some of these refugees to seek solace in Europe and risk their lives with shonky dealers and unsafe boats to travel from Africa. ( )
  nicsreads | Aug 14, 2023 |
I read this in two hours flat. I couldn’t put it down. The way the writer had Shif’s voice come off the page grabbed me from the start. The end was a bit rushed but otherwise a strong “first person account” of what it was like to leave your family, not by choice and then escape with nothing but perseverance to push you through. Easy enough read that I’d recommend it for MS grades. ( )
  Z_Brarian | Dec 12, 2022 |
I loved the use of the flash forward at the outset; we know where the protagonist is heading, but the journey is what matters. It strikes the right balance between descriptive and emotional - I didn't feel like the writer was manipulating my emotions, but pathos just spills from the pages.

The writing style makes it accessible to older children/young teens, but it's a great read for adults too. I was absolutely enthralled by this book, and consumed it in just 2 nights.

Dark, though-provoking, highly recommended for a quick read.
( )
  Katrana | Oct 13, 2021 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:A young refugee crosses continents in this timely, heartbreaking, and ultimately uplifting novel of survival.Shif has a happy life, unfamiliar with the horrors of his country's regime. He is one of the smartest boys in school, and feels safe and loved in the home he shares with his mother and little sister, right next door to his best friend. But the day that soldiers arrive at his door, Shif knows that he will never be safe again—his only choice is to run. Facing both unthinkable cruelty and boundless kindness, Shif bravely makes his way towards a future he can barely imagine.Based on real experiences and written in spare, powerful prose, this gripping debut illustrates the realities faced by countless young refugees across the world today. Refugee 87 is a story of friendship, kindness, hardship, survival, and — above all — hope.

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Gemiddelde: (4.5)
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4.5 2
5 1

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