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The scandalous diary of lily layton :…
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The scandalous diary of lily layton : Sweetest Taboo Series, Book 3 (editie 2019)

door Stacy Reid

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276889,293 (3.75)Geen
Beneath Lily Layton's sweet and charming exterior beats the heart of a vixen-one with shocking and scandalous secrets and desires. But as a genteel lady, she confines her forbidden fantasies, like those about her employer's devastatingly handsome son, to her diary...until she loses it. Oliver Carlyle, Marquess of Ambrose, has finally found the perfect wife, a woman who will not hide from his dark, carnal cravings. He just needs to figure out who she is. When he has a secret rendezvous with a mysterious stranger, suddenly he starts to believe she might be the author of the diary. He's determined to find out who his mystery woman is... His biggest fear-and deepest fantasy-is she may be the one woman he cannot have.… (meer)
Titel:The scandalous diary of lily layton : Sweetest Taboo Series, Book 3
Auteurs:Stacy Reid
Info:New York : Entangled Publishing, LLC, 2019.
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Verlanglijst, Aan het lezen, Te lezen, Gelezen, maar niet in bezit, Favorieten
Trefwoorden:genre-historical-romance, 5-stars, class-difference, dirty-talkers, duke-earl-viscount-marquis, governess-paid-companions, hero-charming-swoon-worthy, hero-pursues-hard, hero-reformed-rake, heroine-quirky-bubbly, heroine-spinster-on-the-shelf, house-party, insta-love, love-sex-tutor-lessons, witty-banter

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The Scandalous Diary of Lily Layton door Stacy Reid

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1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I really like several books by this author, but this one was quite poor. I'm surprised that I've heard so many readers mention it (I'm thinking it must be like 90% just for the high steam). It seems like a first effort at writing, but I've read books by Reid that were published before this one that were much better. (Even if this *had* been written first and then set aside, I would still expect her later revisions to have improved it above this quality). The plot was laughable, the writing was sort of blundering, everything just seemed so amateur. It does have steam, and a lot of it, and I suppose that's its main selling point, but it's kind of sorry otherwise. The good news is that she's greatly improved from some of these early books! ( )
  JorgeousJotts | Jul 21, 2023 |
I wish more people knew about Stacy Reid as she is becoming one of my favourite authors. Her books are interesting with good plots and full of heat. ( )
  thewestwing | Aug 12, 2022 |
Erotic historical romance isn't exactly rare, but in my reading experience, it's harder to execute well than contemporary erotic romance. Writers have to consider things like the social and physical repercussions of sex for women, for example, and make all of it sexy. In all historical romance, I like to put on my rosy book goggles and pretend that sexually transmitted diseases don't exist in sex clubs in a time without antibiotics. And that a pregnancy wouldn't spell the end of a woman's career, marital, and social prospects. Y'know, all the things that no one wants to think about while reading a story in which sex drives the romantic plot.

The point of this is that I think Stacy Reid managed all of this quite well in The Scandalous Diary of Lily Layton. The writing was a bit stilted at times, but the sex scenes were excellent and inventive.

The premise is that Oliver, a marquess, is looking for a wife. Because he wants one. This is rare enough in historical romances, but better still is that he specifically wants a wife who will want to have sex with him. He's trying to find that elusive balance of mistress (the one you have sex with) and wife (the one you take out in public).

Meanwhile, his mother is trying to foist her lady's companion, Lily, upon a horrible man who wants a quiet, obedient wife. Lily wants nothing to do with Mr. Crauford. She does, however, entertain inappropriate thoughts about her employer's grown son.

One day, Oliver finds Lily's diary, and sets out to discover to whom it belongs. This leads to a few scandalous encounters in the dark, with neither of them revealing their identity. Then other things happen and spoilers happen and THEN a happily-ever-after. Their sexual relationship is *flame emojis.* Instead of BDSM, Reid's characters are into everything from voyeurism to exhibitionism to anal sex.

It's not all secrets and boning, however, as Lily has been widowed twice and has some hangups due to her second marriage to a sexually repressive vicar who made her pray and repent after sex. She's become convinced that she's unable to bear children, but her brother-in-law, a doctor, tells her that a handful of "encounters" isn't enough to confirm one way or the other.

In the author's note at the beginning, Stacy Reid talks about her own experience with trying to conceive, and why she chose to give her heroine a different outcome than her own. It's very touching, but if this is something that you think you'll find upsetting, be aware that the heroine believes herself to be barren, is supported and loved by the hero regardless, and has given birth to healthy twins by the end of the epilogue.

Despite a somewhat slow and stilted beginning, I'm glad I stuck with this book. If Reid follows this up with the much-hinted story of two secondary characters, I'll gladly keep reading her books.

Content Warnings: difficulty conceiving, emotionally abusive (dead) spouse, internalized slut-shaming, some possibly non-consensual voyeurism

Suzanne received a copy of this book from the publisher for review via NetGalley. ( )
  Cerestheories | Nov 8, 2021 |
This book was a little out there. In a roundabout way it is a love story. We have Mrs. Layton a widow who decided to keep a diary of all of her wanted thoughts. Her last husband was a vicar and constantly told her how she was wicked so Lily thought that her thoughts were wrong but she couldn't help her desires. She is working for Lady Ambrose and her son is gorgeous and she does have some scandalous thoughts about him. Lord Ambrose find this diary and sets out to find this woman, they have some secret liasons threw some secret passages in his home not knowing who the other was since it was dark. When he does find out who it is, he can't help but pursue her knowing that he could never marry her, she is not in his social circles but atlast love will conquer all and he wont care that he turns his mistress into his wife..There is some voyeurism involved..

Rcvd an ARC at no cost to author..(netgalley) Voluntarily reviewed with my own thoughts and opinions. ( )
  NelisPelusa | Mar 4, 2019 |
The Scandalous Diary of Lily Layton by Stacy Reid

Simon Carlyle, 9th Marquess of Ambrose has found a diary that has him intrigued. He would LOVE to find the woman who wrote it as she seems made for him. He is in the market for a wife and wants to be true to her...but...he also wants to have a wife who will meet his needs...all of them. This book felt “of the times” and at times reminded me of the book Fanny Hill and yet with a bit more heat and better quality of writing. Clandestine meetings, couplings in the dark secret passages of an estate home, fantasies fulfilled and even though I felt this in some ways more fantasy than reality I truly did relate to Lily and Ambrose as they worked their way toward love and what that could and would mean to both of them with the differences in their stations and having to deal with a secret Lily was carrying.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled – Scorched for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Feb 16, 2019 |
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Beneath Lily Layton's sweet and charming exterior beats the heart of a vixen-one with shocking and scandalous secrets and desires. But as a genteel lady, she confines her forbidden fantasies, like those about her employer's devastatingly handsome son, to her diary...until she loses it. Oliver Carlyle, Marquess of Ambrose, has finally found the perfect wife, a woman who will not hide from his dark, carnal cravings. He just needs to figure out who she is. When he has a secret rendezvous with a mysterious stranger, suddenly he starts to believe she might be the author of the diary. He's determined to find out who his mystery woman is... His biggest fear-and deepest fantasy-is she may be the one woman he cannot have.

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