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The Night Is Yours door Abdul-Razak…
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The Night Is Yours (editie 2019)

door Abdul-Razak Zachariah (Auteur)

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320384,964 (3.67)Geen
From a vantage point high in their apartment, a parent narrates as Amani plays hide-and-seek at night with her friends in the neighborhood.
Titel:The Night Is Yours
Auteurs:Abdul-Razak Zachariah (Auteur)
Info:Dial Books (2019), 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Night Is Yours door Abdul-Razak Zachariah

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Toon 3 van 3
This is a beautiful Black joy bedtime story best suited for ages 4 . My 5yo really enjoyed it, especially the moonlit game of tag. She had to find the last child hiding in the illustrations.

The language is on the flowery side, but that's a feature not a bug when it comes to bedtime stories. Let the rhythm of the words lull them to peaceful slumber. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
On hot summer nights, Amani’s parents permit her to go outside and play in the apartment courtyard, where the breeze is cool and her friends are waiting.

The children jump rope to the sounds of music as it floats through a neighbor’s window, gaze at stars in the night sky, and play hide-and-seek in the moonlight. It is in the moonlight that Amani and her friends are themselves found by the moon, and it illumines the many shades of their skin, which vary from light tan to deep brown. In a world where darkness often evokes ideas of evil or fear, this book is a celebration of things that are dark and beautiful—like a child’s dark skin and the night in which she plays. The lines “Show everyone else how to embrace the night like you. Teach them how to be a night-owning girl like you” are as much an appeal for her to love and appreciate her dark skin as they are the exhortation for Amani to enjoy the night. There is a sense of security that flows throughout this book. The courtyard is safe and homelike. The moon, like an additional parent, seems to be watching the children from the sky. The charming full-bleed illustrations, done in washes of mostly deep blues and greens, make this a wonderful bedtime story.

Vital messages of self-love for darker-skinned children. (Picture book. 3-7)

-Kirkus Review
  CDJLibrary | Jun 10, 2023 |
Lovely memories of playing late into the night, though I was in the city. Beautiful poetical story from parent to child. ( )
  suzannekmoses | May 21, 2022 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Abdul-Razak Zachariahprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Bobo, Keturah A.Illustratorprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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From a vantage point high in their apartment, a parent narrates as Amani plays hide-and-seek at night with her friends in the neighborhood.

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