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Pug Blasts Off: A Branches Book (Diary of a…
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Pug Blasts Off: A Branches Book (Diary of a Pug #1) (origineel 2019; editie 2019)

door Kyla May (Auteur)

Reeksen: Diary of a Pug (1)

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Baron von Bubbles (Bub) is a pug who wants nothing more than to help his human Bella in her craft projects for school, though he is a little apprehensive about the rocket she is making for the Inventor Challenge--so when he ruins the rocket while trying to get at Nutz the squirrel he needs to find a way to make it up to Bella.… (meer)
Titel:Pug Blasts Off: A Branches Book (Diary of a Pug #1)
Auteurs:Kyla May (Auteur)
Info:Scholastic Inc. (2019), Edition: Illustrated, 80 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Pug Blasts Off door Kyla May (2019)

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{My thoughts} – Bub is a fun little Pug that likes to be helpful to his owner Bella. He likes to help her with her projects, to snuggle her and to wake her up when she is trying to sleep. He enjoys dress up and cannot stand being out in the rain.

In this book they make a rocket together, but it ends up getting ruined. So he does everything he can to try and get all the pieces back so they can put it back together. However, Bella decides she wants to make something other then the rocket so they get to work on that.

Bub learns that when he really wants something, he shouldn’t be afraid to try and get it. He overcomes his fear of rain through his love for Bella.

This book reminds me a lot of the set up for The Owl Diary Series by Rebecca Elliot. It has the same general look and feel. I really enjoyed reading through it and learning about Bub and Bella. The illustrations and the words on the pages go together nicely. They help to keep the reader engaged in the story.

I look forward to reading more books in this series as they release. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
Cute. Would have been better if the pug was replaced by a cat though :) ( )
  filemanager | Nov 29, 2023 |
This first book in the Diary of a Pug series did not disappoint. The story is told by Pug. It is written in a diary format with cute illustrations. An added bonus is that the pages look like notebook paper. Pug helps Bella create a project for the Inventor challenge. There's just one problem - Nutz a sneaky squirrel steals Pug's bear when they go to test the project. This book encourages problem solving and thinking outside the box along with friendship. This would be a great chapter book for 2nd graders. ( )
  MrsGlass | Jun 28, 2021 |
A new series by scholastics’ Branches. Books are known to be great for those evolving into readers. Colorful illustrations, short chapters and clear large font are, like many branches books, part of this early chapter book by the Australian author Kyla May. Text is underlined like it is a true diary, and there is additional dialogue in speech bubbles.
The reader follows BUB, Baron Von Bubbles, who introduces himself and tells the reader about a inventing craft project he will help his owner Bella with. The rocket Bella comes up with has to be tested, but because BUB decides to ride the rocket to get his bear back, it breaks. Is there enough time to put it back together for the big Inventors challenge on Friday? Actually it will be better and improved.
Fans of Owl diaries will love this series also.
2nd - 4th grade ( )
  paula-childrenslib | Dec 6, 2019 |
Cute story and enjoyed the illustrations. The pug is exactly how I picture most pugs to be. ( )
  JaxlynLeigh | Apr 30, 2019 |
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Baron von Bubbles (Bub) is a pug who wants nothing more than to help his human Bella in her craft projects for school, though he is a little apprehensive about the rocket she is making for the Inventor Challenge--so when he ruins the rocket while trying to get at Nutz the squirrel he needs to find a way to make it up to Bella.

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