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Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug…
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Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game (editie 2020)

door Andrew R Gallimore (Auteur)

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"At the ground of our reality there is a code running. It is a code from which this universe and countless others emerge and unfold with infinite variety of form. This code constructs our universe as a computational device for culturing conscious intelligences. We are one of those intelligences emergent within this lower-dimensional digital reality. As intelligences evolve, a small number reach a certain level of cognitive and technological sophistication and become candidates for a cosmic game, the final stages of which we now find ourselves playing. The key to this game is a technology embedded in our reality, which takes the form of a powerful psychedelic drug -- a message -- scattered throughout the natural world: N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). When DMT enters the brain, it grants entry to a miraculously complex hyperdimensional realm -- hyperspace -- lying orthogonal to our and to an audience with the multitudinous alien intelligences that reside therein. Ultimately, by mastering this technology, humans will complete the game and exit this universe permanently to become interdimensional citizens of hyperspace"--Back cover.… (meer)
Titel:Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game
Auteurs:Andrew R Gallimore (Auteur)
Info:Strange Worlds Press (2020), Edition: Softcover ed., 234 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game door Andrew R. Gallimore

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"At the ground of our reality there is a code running. It is a code from which this universe and countless others emerge and unfold with infinite variety of form. This code constructs our universe as a computational device for culturing conscious intelligences. We are one of those intelligences emergent within this lower-dimensional digital reality. As intelligences evolve, a small number reach a certain level of cognitive and technological sophistication and become candidates for a cosmic game, the final stages of which we now find ourselves playing. The key to this game is a technology embedded in our reality, which takes the form of a powerful psychedelic drug -- a message -- scattered throughout the natural world: N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). When DMT enters the brain, it grants entry to a miraculously complex hyperdimensional realm -- hyperspace -- lying orthogonal to our and to an audience with the multitudinous alien intelligences that reside therein. Ultimately, by mastering this technology, humans will complete the game and exit this universe permanently to become interdimensional citizens of hyperspace"--Back cover.

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