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Woken Furies: A Takeshi Kovacs Novel door…
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Woken Furies: A Takeshi Kovacs Novel (origineel 2005; editie 2007)

door Richard K. Morgan (Auteur)

Reeksen: Takeshi Kovacs (3)

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Fiction. Literature. Science Fiction. Thriller. Once a gang member, then a marine, then a galaxy-hopping Envoy trained to wreak slaughter and suppression across the stars, a bleeding, wounded Kovacs was chilling out in a New Hokkaido bar when some so-called holy men descended on a slim beauty with tangled, hyperwired hair. An act of quixotic chivalry later and Kovacs was in deep: mixed up with a woman with two names, many powers, and one explosive history. In a world where the real and virtual are one and the same and the dead can come back to life, the damsel in distress may be none other than the infamous Quellcrist Falconer, the vaporized symbol of a freedom now gone from Harlan's World. Kovacs can deal with the madness of AI. He can do his part in a battle against biomachines gone wild, search for a three-centuries-old missing weapons system, and live with a blood feud with the yakuza, and even with the betrayal of people he once trusted. But when his relationship with "the" Falconer brings him an enemy specially designed to destroy him, he knows it's time to be afraid. After all, the guy sent to kill him is himself: but younger, stronger, and straight out of hell.… (meer)
Titel:Woken Furies: A Takeshi Kovacs Novel
Auteurs:Richard K. Morgan (Auteur)
Info:Del Rey (2007), Edition: Reprint, 480 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Woken Furies door Richard K. Morgan (2005)

Onlangs toegevoegd doordan980, Trew14, renatalea, rikrakrik, Lihalan, Cudman
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1-5 van 53 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This was book I truly did not want to end. Although author makes his heroes rather gung-ho and ready to devastate the opposition in standard me-cyborg-un-destructable manner (I mean you havea guy that has bloody artillery weapon on his body :)) this book also presents views on many things from treating vengeance and ones own life to how to approach the revolutionaries in time when nobody actually dies and every victory is temporary [until next load into the new body].

After events in book #2 Kovacs is back to his homeworld, Harlan's World. There he is hit by a very personal loss and this puts him on rampage in unique non-surgical Envoy approach to blood feud.

Accidentally he comes across the team of hi-tech mercenaries and tries to find refuge with them until situation normalizes. But [as is case with Takeshi in general] nothing winds down and he finds himself progressively in more and more problems until final showdown where his attempt to make peace with himself fails due to the over-zealous action of his team.

After age of carnage and destruction, after hundred of years serving as human cruise missile Kovacs is tired of everything especially when shades from his murky past arise again. Shades that he knows, knows the aftermath of their actions and is sickened by will of people to go the same path of blood and betrayal over and over again. He sees good people around him getting ready to follow ideals from the past back into social revolution against aristocratic Families, same revolution that made parts of Harlan's World wastelands patrolled by intelligent war machines.

But then maybe in that past might lie his true purpose in life.

Ending is little bit open-ended and I truly hope there will be more books in the series at some point in time.

Very good novel, lots of action and twists. Recommended to all of the fans of the Takeshi Kovacs and far future cyberpunk stories. ( )
  Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
Loved Altered Carbon, but this series ran out of puff I reckon. But maybe I needed a reread of the previous before I came to this after so much time. ( )
  DavidRFWarner | Oct 19, 2023 |
And so, after the fantastic, 'Altered Carbon', followed up by the enthralling, but not quite as good, 'Broken Angels', i had decided not to expect anything from this book other than a couple more incredible sex scenes like the first two books had.

And i was still left utterly disappointed.

The sex scenes in this book are like Richard just couldn't be bothered.   The incredible, imaginative stuff of the first two books had gone and in its place was just crude basic crap with the word 'cunt' used far too often like Richard was a 4 year old who just learned a naughty word and is trying to impress all his friends with it.   Really, that's what it was like.   It's like someone else wrote half of this book.

It's not like the great ideas and a good story that were in the first two books weren't there any more, they were, and that aspect of it was just as good and just as enthralling.   It's just the telling of it and the writing of it felt totally different.

I felt a bit of this in book two, compared to book one, and this third book continues the downward trajectory.

Did the editor get changed?   Because whoever edited this book needs sacking.   You really have to stop and pause while you work through conversations trying to decide if someone's thinking or speaking or whatever because the punctuation is completely missing.

Too many faults in a really good story.   What could have been an amazing book is left to be bearable to read once and i can't ever see myself reading this trilogy ever again. ( )
  5t4n5 | Aug 9, 2023 |
Reminds me a lot of a traditional first person shooter game. You're thrown in head long with no chance to take a breath for the first 100 pages or so, then the history slowly gets filled in around scene after scene of graphic violence (and in this case some graphic sex to boot)

That sums up both it's appeal and it's worst features to me. Sometimes it's just too much, too over the top. Take that graphic sex for example. It's not gratuitous - it only takes place in sensible spots between characters that make sense and it usually advances the story - but I'm not sure it needs to be quite so graphic to work. I'm not expecting porn in my sci-fi book. The violence is the same way - it's so over the top in places it feels like he's just trying to shock you.

The background world and history is fascinating, interesting and believable. Heck the characters have some depth and are interesting in there own rights, even though the authour has a habit of killing them off before you expect it. Even the politics gets interesting. I'm not sure how much of this is fleshed out in the earlier books of the series - this one (book #3) is the first I've read. It certainly stands up great on it's own.

If my first paragraph didn't totally turn you off, then definitely read this one, because there's lots here to really enjoy. Just don't expect too many quiet subtleties. ( )
  furicle | Aug 5, 2023 |
loved the ending. ( )
  Vitaly1 | May 28, 2023 |
1-5 van 53 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Morgan not only delivers what he proved extremely efficient on in his previous novels, which is: Hollywood-style action, laconic one-liners, heaps of manslaughter and a fast-paced, darting-around plot; he also shows new qualities and such that have been only vaguely discernible until now.
The culmination of everything Richard Morgan has been building towards since he began his Takeshi Kovacs novels in 2002, Woken Furies is better than both Altered Carbon and Broken Angels by an order of magnitude. Lacking both the first novel's derivative obsession with style and the second's unredeeming, bleak worldview, Woken Furies marries breathtaking suspense and action with a more consistent and intellectually fulfilling plot that explores the dynamics of power and consequences of revolution from a perspective neither idealistic nor overly cynical and jaundiced. Furthermore, Takeshi Kovacs himself comes into his own as a hero, not merely a long-black-coat clad, boilerplate antihero; this is the first volume of the saga where I found him, at last, a likable and relatable character.
Faisons simple, le principal élément moteur de Furies Déchaînées, c’est l’action. Bagarres, fuites, fusillades, sexe... Richard Morgan fait tout pour ne pas laisser un seul instant de répits au lecteur. Un lecteur qui va de scène d’action en scène d’action au point parfois d’être un peu perdu dans ce mélange de gros muscles, de zones de guerre, d’éléments cyberpunk et quelques gouttes de polar. Un fourre-tout qui donne un peu le tournis... il faut reconnaître à Richard Morgan un vrai don pour décrire des ambiances dures et âpres qui ont le mérite d’être accrocheuses. Un vrai bon auteur, un peu rentre-dedans et très prometteur. Ceux d’entre vous qui ont lu les deux premiers tomes des aventures de Kovacs seront sans doute ravis de le retrouver et d’en savoir un peu plus sur lui. Attention pour les autres à ne pas se perdre dans les entrelacs d’une intrigue parfois épaisse.

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (6 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Richard K. Morganprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Dufris, WilliamVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Moore, ChrisArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Fury (n): 1a intense, disordered and often destructive rage... 2 wild, disordered force or activity 3a any of the three avenging deities who in Greek mythology punished crimes 3b an angry or vengeful woman The New Penguin English Dictionary, 2001
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This book is for my wife, Virginia Cottinelli, who knows of impediment.
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The place they woke me in would have been carefully prepared. (prologue)
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Impaler drifted in sideways toward an unused section of the dock. Her grapples fired and chewed holes in the evercrete. A couple of them hit rotten patches and tugged loose as soon as they started to crank taut. The hovelolader backed off slightly in a mound of stirred-up water and shredded belaweed. The grapples wound back and fired again. Something behind me wailed. At first, some stupid part of me thought it was Virginia Vidaura finally venting her pent-up grief. A fraction of a second later I caught up with the machine tone of the sound and identified it for what it was - an alarm. Time seemed to slam to a halt. Seconds turned into ponderous slabs of perception; everything moved with the lazy calm of motion underwater. - Liebeck, spinning away from the water's edge, lit spliff tumbling from her open mouth, bouncing off the upper slope of her breast in a brief splutter of embers - - Murakami, yelling at my ear, moving past me toward the grav sled - The monitor system built into the sled screaming, a whole rack of data coil systems flaring to life like candles along one side of Sylvie Oshima's suddenly twitching body - Sylvie's eyes, wide open and fixed on mine as the gravity of her stare drags my own gaze in - The alarm, unfamiliar as the new Tseng hardware, but only one possible meaning behind it - And Murakami's arm, raised, hand filled with the Kalashnikov as he clears it from his belt - My own yell, stretching out and blending with his as I throw myself foward to block him, hands still bound, hoplesessly slow - And then the clouds ripped open in the east, and vomited angelfire. And the dock lit up with light and fury. And the sky fell in.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

Fiction. Literature. Science Fiction. Thriller. Once a gang member, then a marine, then a galaxy-hopping Envoy trained to wreak slaughter and suppression across the stars, a bleeding, wounded Kovacs was chilling out in a New Hokkaido bar when some so-called holy men descended on a slim beauty with tangled, hyperwired hair. An act of quixotic chivalry later and Kovacs was in deep: mixed up with a woman with two names, many powers, and one explosive history. In a world where the real and virtual are one and the same and the dead can come back to life, the damsel in distress may be none other than the infamous Quellcrist Falconer, the vaporized symbol of a freedom now gone from Harlan's World. Kovacs can deal with the madness of AI. He can do his part in a battle against biomachines gone wild, search for a three-centuries-old missing weapons system, and live with a blood feud with the yakuza, and even with the betrayal of people he once trusted. But when his relationship with "the" Falconer brings him an enemy specially designed to destroy him, he knows it's time to be afraid. After all, the guy sent to kill him is himself: but younger, stronger, and straight out of hell.

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