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Clinician's Thesaurus, 8th Edition: The Guide to Conducting Interviews and Writing Psychological Reports

door Edward L. Zuckerman

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Hundreds of thousands of students and early-career professionals have relied on this authoritative report-writing tool, now updated for DSM-5/ICD-10-CM and newer types of evaluations. In a convenient large-size format with lay-flat binding, the book covers nearly all areas of concern addressed in intakes, evaluations, treatment plans, progress notes, and closing summaries. The user seeking the right wording for a clinical document can skim and select from thousands of technical terms, behavioral descriptors, and standard statements. Also provided are interview questions for almost every symptomatic behavior, a huge collection of mental status questions, a reproducible Mental Status Evaluation summary form, and links to hundreds of Internet resources. The periodically updated companion website offers all the URLs from the book, the reproducible forms, and a handy reference on current psychiatric medications.   New to This Edition *A list of all psychiatric ICD-10 diagnoses (all of the codes in DSM-5, plus many more), including Z codes essential to a comprehensive biopsychosocial evaluation. *Sample evaluation report keyed to the book's chapters. *Sections on additional clinical issues: intimate partner violence, gender identity, human trafficking, recovery-oriented language, and more. *Many more Internet links, including a wide variety of screening and assessment tools.   See also The Paper Office for the Digital Age, Fifth Edition, by Edward L. Zuckerman and Keely Kolmes, which provides the essential record-keeping and risk-reduction tools that every psychotherapy practice needs.… (meer)
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Hundreds of thousands of students and early-career professionals have relied on this authoritative report-writing tool, now updated for DSM-5/ICD-10-CM and newer types of evaluations. In a convenient large-size format with lay-flat binding, the book covers nearly all areas of concern addressed in intakes, evaluations, treatment plans, progress notes, and closing summaries. The user seeking the right wording for a clinical document can skim and select from thousands of technical terms, behavioral descriptors, and standard statements. Also provided are interview questions for almost every symptomatic behavior, a huge collection of mental status questions, a reproducible Mental Status Evaluation summary form, and links to hundreds of Internet resources. The periodically updated companion website offers all the URLs from the book, the reproducible forms, and a handy reference on current psychiatric medications.   New to This Edition *A list of all psychiatric ICD-10 diagnoses (all of the codes in DSM-5, plus many more), including Z codes essential to a comprehensive biopsychosocial evaluation. *Sample evaluation report keyed to the book's chapters. *Sections on additional clinical issues: intimate partner violence, gender identity, human trafficking, recovery-oriented language, and more. *Many more Internet links, including a wide variety of screening and assessment tools.   See also The Paper Office for the Digital Age, Fifth Edition, by Edward L. Zuckerman and Keely Kolmes, which provides the essential record-keeping and risk-reduction tools that every psychotherapy practice needs.

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