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GMAT Official Guide 2020: Book Online Question Bank

door GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)

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Are you still unprepared for the GMAT? Catch up with the Official Guide. GMAT Official Guide 2021 is the only study guide written by the Graduate Management Admission Council, the makers of the GMAT exam. Get a competitive edge by studying the guide's 950+ questions. The questions are arranged from simplest to hardest, so you'll be able to consistently increase your knowledge as you fly through the guide. Access online the 950 questions in the book (plus an additional 150 online only questions!) complete with detailed answer keys and strategies direct from the makers of the GMAT. You can even use the mobile app to study while you're at work or school. It's easy to work seamlessly between all of your devices! GMAT Official Guide 2021 comes with: Detailed descriptions of the GMAT's format and content Comprehensive strategies for performing well on the GMAT Online flashcards to help you retain what you read Complete grammar and quantitative reviews Actual GMAT essay topics along with sample responses and scoring info… (meer)
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Are you still unprepared for the GMAT? Catch up with the Official Guide. GMAT Official Guide 2021 is the only study guide written by the Graduate Management Admission Council, the makers of the GMAT exam. Get a competitive edge by studying the guide's 950+ questions. The questions are arranged from simplest to hardest, so you'll be able to consistently increase your knowledge as you fly through the guide. Access online the 950 questions in the book (plus an additional 150 online only questions!) complete with detailed answer keys and strategies direct from the makers of the GMAT. You can even use the mobile app to study while you're at work or school. It's easy to work seamlessly between all of your devices! GMAT Official Guide 2021 comes with: Detailed descriptions of the GMAT's format and content Comprehensive strategies for performing well on the GMAT Online flashcards to help you retain what you read Complete grammar and quantitative reviews Actual GMAT essay topics along with sample responses and scoring info

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