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The 117-Storey Treehouse (The Treehouse…
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The 117-Storey Treehouse (The Treehouse Series) (editie 2019)

door Andy Griffiths (Auteur)

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2661103,924 (4.44)1
"Andy and Terry live in a 117-story treehouse. (It used to be a 104-story treehouse, but it just keeps growing!) It now has a pajama-party room, a water-ski park filled with flesh-eating piranhas, an Underpants Museum, a giant-fighting-robot arena, and the Door of Doom (don't open it or you'll be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY DOOMED!). For as long as Andy and Terry have been writing books together, Andy has always been the narrator and Terry has always been the illustrator. But when Terry tries to prove that he can narrate as well as draw, the story goes completely out of control and the Story Police arrive to arrest the whole treehouse team for crimes against storytelling! Andy, Terry and Jill go on the run, but how long can they evade the Story Police and stay out of Story Jail?" --… (meer)
Titel:The 117-Storey Treehouse (The Treehouse Series)
Auteurs:Andy Griffiths (Auteur)
Info:Macmillan Children's Books (2019), Edition: Main Market, 288 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen, Verlanglijst, Te lezen, Gelezen, maar niet in bezit, Favorieten

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The 117-Story Treehouse door Andy Griffiths (Author)

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I'll admit that at first I was excited about the illustrations, but found myself quickly becoming disengaged as there was so much repetition (well, did you tell them it isn't a short book when it's a long book and a long book when it isn't a short book, etc.) and found it almost a hundred pages before the rising action began. Upon further consideration though, this book is meant to absorbed through the illustrations and pure fun for kids. The repetition could work really well for struggling readers who lose track easy and for those who want a fun, non abrasive read. This could be a great small group read as it could spark lots of ideas for invention and the notion of illustrating writing as it adds bulk to limited writing. Also, and maybe the best part for teachers, is that in the end it explicitly states the moral/lesson in a coy way that readers will enjoy ("Ugh! I say, "That stupid machine put a moral in and I hate stories with a moral" and then goes on to have the characters discuss the moral.

The story development is easy to follow and the sequential disasters can make for good conversation. I can see a lot of writing prompts come out of this for a full classroom read (where each student has a book). It can feel great for a struggling reader to feel successful about a large chapter book as moving through the pages happens quickly. I will surely recommend it to more advanced first and second graders as well; it's a great approach to get into longer chapter books. While the book is several hundred pages, it isn't daunting. The style of writing may be new to students as well (creating enticement) because the authors are also the characters and at the end, are completely aware of themselves in a book (post modernism). I got this book as a preview from my school district and am really glad I did as I am not sure if I would have come across it.

I do wish it came up as a read-alike in Novelist or other source so that students can find it easier as it in line with Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It must be a great book as I just ordered 2 of each book in the series in order to put on my library shelves! ( )
  lansdownefriends | Feb 10, 2020 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Griffiths, AndyAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Denton, TerryIllustratorprimaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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"Andy and Terry live in a 117-story treehouse. (It used to be a 104-story treehouse, but it just keeps growing!) It now has a pajama-party room, a water-ski park filled with flesh-eating piranhas, an Underpants Museum, a giant-fighting-robot arena, and the Door of Doom (don't open it or you'll be COMPLETELY and UTTERLY DOOMED!). For as long as Andy and Terry have been writing books together, Andy has always been the narrator and Terry has always been the illustrator. But when Terry tries to prove that he can narrate as well as draw, the story goes completely out of control and the Story Police arrive to arrest the whole treehouse team for crimes against storytelling! Andy, Terry and Jill go on the run, but how long can they evade the Story Police and stay out of Story Jail?" --

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