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Marked: A House of Night Novel door P. C.…
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Marked: A House of Night Novel (editie 2007)

door P. C. Cast (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
10,130391766 (3.67)194
Het leven is moeilijk als je zestien bent, je moeder getrouwd is met een loser van een stiefvader en je vriendje liever bier drinkt en chillt met zijn maten. Maar het is lang niet zo moeilijk als verkozen zijn. Zoey is uitverkoren: op haar voorhoofd verschijnt het teken van de vampiers. Ze verlaat haar familie om naar het Huis van de Nacht te gaan, een vampierschool. Als je faalt, sterf je.… (meer)
Titel:Marked: A House of Night Novel
Auteurs:P. C. Cast (Auteur)
Info:St. Martin's Griffin (2007), Edition: First Edition, 320 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Verkozen door P. C. Cast

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I liked this one better than Twilight! Very fun read. Now on to part 2 to ....?? ( )
  Eiketske1004 | Sep 18, 2024 |
A wonderful throwback to my younger years

I read this book for the first time when I was a kid and loved it. Vampires were all the rage and the thought of a vampire school was awesome! Some 15 years later it still holds up! It's been fun remembering the adventures of this crew and the trouble they get into. I'm excited to keep rereading the series! ( )
  Talvace | Aug 21, 2024 |
These books are, honestly, my guilty pleasure. The writing style is simple and flows well, and the series is fraught with angst, mayhem, and raging teenage hormones; what's not to love?! I reread these books all the time. ( )
  thebacklistbook | Jul 31, 2024 |
It has been a bit of time since I read these, but I will give my opinion. I enjoyed the first few of this series in the way that I enjoy shows like South Park, mildly entertaining, however completely unstimulating. As a pagan I did enjoy the use of many aspects of Wicca that were brought into daily life for the characters at first. The circle castings were cute, though they do grow progressively mote ridiculous through the series. Props for original ideas, those are hard to find in modern vampire tales. The writing isn't great, but that seems to be common in books marketed to teens. (which I find incredibly counterproductive.) The descriptions and narrative tend to be regurgitated fairly repeatedly and if you continue through the series you will find that the first chapter or two, used to "catch the reader up if they are starting from this point", are almost exactly the same in every book. Overall, decent bubblegum reading if you stick to the first few books, but I believe the cast ladies should have stopped at book 4 and done a few more drafts of each book.
And then I go and read the comments and remember all the little nagging things that disturbed me...
the ridiculous stereotyping of all of her friends, male, female, from different cultures (her southern character is ridiculous.) of different races, and her pet gay boy. (also the way she frequently feels the need to say, "oh she's pretty but I'm totes not a lez, teehee, that would be gross! not that I'm judging, I don't judge, that makes me totes modern and like forward thinking. lawl!") The slut-shaming. The mental-health-shaming (is there an official term for that?) The overall shallowness of thought that is being implanted into teenagers' heads. Gr. I got pretty far in this series for the same reason I read all 4 twilight books and saw all 5 movies. Common ground with my mother. it's not worth it. ( )
  MothCryptid | Apr 12, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (69 mogelijk)

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Blum, ChristineÜbersetzerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Gulik, Henny vanVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Wren, EdwinaVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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From Hesiod's poem to Nyx, the Greek personification of night:

"There also stands the gloomy house of Night;
ghastly clouds shroud it in darkness.
Before it Atlas stands erect and on his head
and unwearying arms firmly supports the broad sky,
where Night and Day cross a bronze threshold
and then come close and greet each other."

(Hesiod, Theogony, 744 ᶠᶠ∙)
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
For our wonderful agent, Meredith Bernstein, who said the three magic words: vampyre finishing school. We heart you!
Eerste woorden
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Just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse I saw the dead guy standing next to my locker.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
I've found that the way a person feels about cats - and the way they feel about him or her in return - is usually an excellent gauge by which to measure a person's character.
Cats chose us; we don't own them.
(pg. 43)

Beautiful, see the cloud, the cloud appear.
Beautiful, see the rain, the rain draw near...
(pg. 43)

Who spoke?
The little corn ear,
High on top of the stalk...
(pg. 102)

1st hour-Vampyre Sociology 101. Rm. 215. Prof. Neferet
2nd hour-Drama 101. Performing Arts Center. Prof. Nolan
Sketching 101. Rm. 312. Prof. Doner
Intro to Music. Rm. 314. Prof. Vento
3rd hour-Lit 101. Rm. 214. Prof. Penthesilea
4th hour-Fencing. Gymnasium. Prof. D. Lankford


5th hour-Spanish 101. Rm. 216. Prof. Garmy
6th hour-Intro to Equestrian Studies. Field House. Prof. Lenobia
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Het leven is moeilijk als je zestien bent, je moeder getrouwd is met een loser van een stiefvader en je vriendje liever bier drinkt en chillt met zijn maten. Maar het is lang niet zo moeilijk als verkozen zijn. Zoey is uitverkoren: op haar voorhoofd verschijnt het teken van de vampiers. Ze verlaat haar familie om naar het Huis van de Nacht te gaan, een vampierschool. Als je faalt, sterf je.

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0.5 12
1 115
1.5 11
2 223
2.5 41
3 575
3.5 116
4 735
4.5 47
5 694

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