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New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid…
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New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer (editie 2006)

door Bill Maher

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8512126,617 (3.48)6
Bill Maher first came to national attention as the host of the hit program Politically Incorrect, in which he offered a combustible mixture of irreverence and acerbic humor that garnered him a loyal following. In his popular and long-running HBO television show, Real Time with Bill Maher, his reputation for being a hilarious provocateur continues. One particular segment of the show-"New Rules"-strikes a chord with viewers every week. Within these rules, Maher takes comic and serious aim, bringing all his incisiveness, wit, and signature exasperation to bear on topics ranging from cell phones ("I don't need my cell phone to take pictures or access the Internet. I just need to make a phone call!") to the conservative agenda ("Stop claiming it's an agenda. It's not an agenda! It's a random collection of laws that your corporate donors paid you to pass!"). In this collection, Maher brings these brilliantly conceived riffs to audio, along with some singularly Maher-ian "editorials"-editorials nothing like the standard fare found on the pages of the local newspaper!.… (meer)
Titel:New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer
Auteurs:Bill Maher
Info:Rodale Books (2006), Paperback, 240 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer door Bill Maher

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1-5 van 21 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Meh. I agree with much of his politics and got a handful of chuckles out of it. This is pretty old so most of it is very much out of date - I thought this was the newer book when I borrowed it from the library. That'll teach me to pay closer attention. Very happy I borrowed it and didn't buy it.

Maher, much like Stephen Colbert in his I Am America, seems to equate all things gay with only men. As a lesbian, that gets pretty old. I didn't mark this down in stars because of that, it's a solid 2 star without that (and the ridiculous transvestite "rule") it's just not all that good. ( )
  amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
Read a few books from comedians and talk show hosts lately. There are all really not very good. Perhaps they should stick to their day jobs, or rather night jobs ( )
  bergs47 | Sep 8, 2021 |
political and social commentary
  ritaer | Jul 17, 2021 |
Really funny. ( )
  Jimbookbuff1963 | Jun 5, 2021 |
Bill Maher pretty much covers every topic under the sun in his new rules. Some of the pieces are very short (a couple of lines), others are a bit longer (page or two), making for a good balance. The book is a very easy read. He has an opinion, and contrary to the title, he is not timid about sharing it. Whether you agree or disagree, you will find something here to agree, disagree, or at least get you thinking. And you will get a smile or two as well. ( )
  bloodravenlib | Aug 17, 2020 |
1-5 van 21 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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New Rule: Stop calling it a "perfect storm" when two bad things happen at the same time.
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Ladies, leave your eyebrows alone. Here's how much men care about your eyebrows: Do you have two of them? Okay, we're done.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (2)

Bill Maher first came to national attention as the host of the hit program Politically Incorrect, in which he offered a combustible mixture of irreverence and acerbic humor that garnered him a loyal following. In his popular and long-running HBO television show, Real Time with Bill Maher, his reputation for being a hilarious provocateur continues. One particular segment of the show-"New Rules"-strikes a chord with viewers every week. Within these rules, Maher takes comic and serious aim, bringing all his incisiveness, wit, and signature exasperation to bear on topics ranging from cell phones ("I don't need my cell phone to take pictures or access the Internet. I just need to make a phone call!") to the conservative agenda ("Stop claiming it's an agenda. It's not an agenda! It's a random collection of laws that your corporate donors paid you to pass!"). In this collection, Maher brings these brilliantly conceived riffs to audio, along with some singularly Maher-ian "editorials"-editorials nothing like the standard fare found on the pages of the local newspaper!.

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Gemiddelde: (3.48)
0.5 1
1 5
1.5 1
2 20
2.5 4
3 61
3.5 12
4 64
4.5 4
5 28

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