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Everyday NFC Third Edition: Near Field Communication Explained

door Hsuan-hua Chang

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Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology that enables wireless data transfer in close proximity without the need for internet connection. It was approved as an ISO/IEC standard in 2003, and the first NFC-enabled phone was released in 2006. However, the technology has been experiencing slow adoption, especially in the USA. NFC technology has been evolving quickly since the 2nd edition of this book was published in October 2014. My book is still selling. Whenever a person purchases my book, it encourages me to work more diligently on the latest edition in order to update my readers with developments. You, the reader, are my inspiration. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. The third edition of "Everyday NFC" covers recent NFC use cases, NFC technical fundamentals, the NFC mobile payment landscape, and its impact on the IoT and Industry 4.0 through the rapid advancements in technology. The information in this edition is new as of November 2017. Koichi Tagawa, Chairman of NFC Forum, commented on the previous release of "Everyone NFC": "Your book is great for helping people to learn the fundamentals of NFC. Also, the broad, prioritized coverage of key points about NFC is something that really impressed me. I hope your book will drive consumers and companies to do more with NFC, to the extent that all devices in the world will carry NFC."… (meer)
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Near Field Communication (NFC) is a technology that enables wireless data transfer in close proximity without the need for internet connection. It was approved as an ISO/IEC standard in 2003, and the first NFC-enabled phone was released in 2006. However, the technology has been experiencing slow adoption, especially in the USA. NFC technology has been evolving quickly since the 2nd edition of this book was published in October 2014. My book is still selling. Whenever a person purchases my book, it encourages me to work more diligently on the latest edition in order to update my readers with developments. You, the reader, are my inspiration. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. The third edition of "Everyday NFC" covers recent NFC use cases, NFC technical fundamentals, the NFC mobile payment landscape, and its impact on the IoT and Industry 4.0 through the rapid advancements in technology. The information in this edition is new as of November 2017. Koichi Tagawa, Chairman of NFC Forum, commented on the previous release of "Everyone NFC": "Your book is great for helping people to learn the fundamentals of NFC. Also, the broad, prioritized coverage of key points about NFC is something that really impressed me. I hope your book will drive consumers and companies to do more with NFC, to the extent that all devices in the world will carry NFC."

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