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The Forge of the Covenant (Raven Son Book 4)

door Nicholas Kotar

Reeksen: Raven Son (4)

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The sea swallowed her city. An enchantment stole her family. Now a dark god offers her salvation… for a terrible price. Lebía lives in paradise. Her husband and four children are her pride and joy. Years of war and plague have finally given way to peace and prosperity. Except her paradise is nothing but a lie, created by a dark Power who makes false worlds for his own insidious purposes. The World-maker gives Lebía one chance to save her family and her people. Thrust into a parallel world outside time, Lebía must find an ancient magic and unlock its power. But things are not as they seem in this strange world filled with walking nightmares and heroes from deepest legend. Whom can she trust? Who is her ally and who her hidden enemy? Finally she is faced with an impossible choice. To unlock the god's magic, she'll have to choose between herself and the life of her family. The Forge of the Covenant is the fourth book in the Raven Son epic fantasy series, a retelling of the dark Russian ve...… (meer)
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The sea swallowed her city. An enchantment stole her family. Now a dark god offers her salvation… for a terrible price. Lebía lives in paradise. Her husband and four children are her pride and joy. Years of war and plague have finally given way to peace and prosperity. Except her paradise is nothing but a lie, created by a dark Power who makes false worlds for his own insidious purposes. The World-maker gives Lebía one chance to save her family and her people. Thrust into a parallel world outside time, Lebía must find an ancient magic and unlock its power. But things are not as they seem in this strange world filled with walking nightmares and heroes from deepest legend. Whom can she trust? Who is her ally and who her hidden enemy? Finally she is faced with an impossible choice. To unlock the god's magic, she'll have to choose between herself and the life of her family. The Forge of the Covenant is the fourth book in the Raven Son epic fantasy series, a retelling of the dark Russian ve...

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