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Princes' Game Box Set, Books 1-3

door M. C. A. Hogarth

Reeksen: Princes' Game (Omnibus 1-3)

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Dive into the dark war saga Tor.Com calls "peculiarly compelling space opera" with volumes 1-3 of the Princes' Game series... where psychological headgames, shapeshifting dragons, and the psychics who pit themselves against them come to life... Even the Wingless The Alliance has sent twelve ambassadors to the Chatcaavan Empire; all twelve returned early, defeated. None of their number have been successful at taking that brutal empire to task for their violations of the treaty. None have survived the vicious court of a race of winged shapechangers, one maintained by cruelty, savagery and torture. Lisinthir Nase Galare is the Alliance's thirteenth emissary. A duelist, an esper and a prince of his people, he has been sent to bring an empire to heel. Will it destroy him, as it has his predecessors? Or can one man teach an empire to fear... and love? Some Things Transcend Given a choice, Lisinthir Nase Galare would have stayed in the Chatcaavan Empire to help its reformed Emperor and Queen remake the worlds in their image. But when his presence proved a threat to the Emperor's attempts, he bowed to necessity and accepted an exile that he thought would kill him... for what was left without duty and the company of the beloved? Adding insult to injury, his escort home included two psychiatrists, as if he was something broken and in need of therapy... and one of them was another Eldritch. Did they expect him to spill his soul to anyone without the courage to make his sacrifices, and to a member of a species he now considered completely craven? And would he even have the chance, when the Emperor's enemies had a vested interest in never letting him see the other side of the border? Xenotherapists Jahir and Vasiht'h of the novels Mindtouch and Mindline make a guest appearance in this second book of the Princes' Game, and the game is as large as the fate of three nations and millions of worlds. Perhaps there's a role for an additional prince on the playing field.... Amulet Rampant In an effort to stop a war and hold the Thorn Throne, the Chatcaavan Emperor has embarked on the bloody subjugation of the rebels who are tearing the Empire apart to serve their ambitions. He has left the palace in the hands of the newly christened Queen Ransomed and encircled her with his allies. One of them is a traitor. All the lessons the Queen has learned--in personhood, in agency, in courage--may not be enough to equip her for the challenges before her. Nor is she the only one facing a revelation that could shatter worlds: Lisinthir Nase Galare, newly returned to the Alliance, has invited his cousin to their promised assignation, and discovered by accident a weapon that could turn the tide. Book Three of the Princes' Game begins with a tryst and ends with a clarion call to battle. How many will answer the call? And will they see the end of the conflict unchanged? The war is waiting.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorkittytm, lizzy50usa
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Princes' Game (Omnibus 1-3)
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Dive into the dark war saga Tor.Com calls "peculiarly compelling space opera" with volumes 1-3 of the Princes' Game series... where psychological headgames, shapeshifting dragons, and the psychics who pit themselves against them come to life... Even the Wingless The Alliance has sent twelve ambassadors to the Chatcaavan Empire; all twelve returned early, defeated. None of their number have been successful at taking that brutal empire to task for their violations of the treaty. None have survived the vicious court of a race of winged shapechangers, one maintained by cruelty, savagery and torture. Lisinthir Nase Galare is the Alliance's thirteenth emissary. A duelist, an esper and a prince of his people, he has been sent to bring an empire to heel. Will it destroy him, as it has his predecessors? Or can one man teach an empire to fear... and love? Some Things Transcend Given a choice, Lisinthir Nase Galare would have stayed in the Chatcaavan Empire to help its reformed Emperor and Queen remake the worlds in their image. But when his presence proved a threat to the Emperor's attempts, he bowed to necessity and accepted an exile that he thought would kill him... for what was left without duty and the company of the beloved? Adding insult to injury, his escort home included two psychiatrists, as if he was something broken and in need of therapy... and one of them was another Eldritch. Did they expect him to spill his soul to anyone without the courage to make his sacrifices, and to a member of a species he now considered completely craven? And would he even have the chance, when the Emperor's enemies had a vested interest in never letting him see the other side of the border? Xenotherapists Jahir and Vasiht'h of the novels Mindtouch and Mindline make a guest appearance in this second book of the Princes' Game, and the game is as large as the fate of three nations and millions of worlds. Perhaps there's a role for an additional prince on the playing field.... Amulet Rampant In an effort to stop a war and hold the Thorn Throne, the Chatcaavan Emperor has embarked on the bloody subjugation of the rebels who are tearing the Empire apart to serve their ambitions. He has left the palace in the hands of the newly christened Queen Ransomed and encircled her with his allies. One of them is a traitor. All the lessons the Queen has learned--in personhood, in agency, in courage--may not be enough to equip her for the challenges before her. Nor is she the only one facing a revelation that could shatter worlds: Lisinthir Nase Galare, newly returned to the Alliance, has invited his cousin to their promised assignation, and discovered by accident a weapon that could turn the tide. Book Three of the Princes' Game begins with a tryst and ends with a clarion call to battle. How many will answer the call? And will they see the end of the conflict unchanged? The war is waiting.

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