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Every Little Thing About You (A Yellow Rose…
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Every Little Thing About You (A Yellow Rose Trilogy #1) (editie 1999)

door Lori Wick (Auteur)

Reeksen: Yellow Rose Trilogy (1)

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781629,721 (4.06)3
Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:

The first meeting between Slater Rawlings and Liberty Drake could hardly be called ideal. As acting deputy of Shotgun, Texas, Liberty is simply enforcing the town laws. But Slater, a former Texas Ranger with a restless spirit, is surprised to find himself on the wrong side of the law—and even more shocked to realize it's a she who is arresting him! Yet Slater finds himself drawn to the close–knit town, to its strong church family, and especially to the fascinating Deputy Drake. As his heart grows tender toward Liberty, Slater longs to see her turn in her badge. Can Liberty, realizing her awakening feelings for the rugged cowboy, give up her position when so many townspeople have come to rely on her? As Slater and Liberty struggle to understand their own feelings and find common ground in their beliefs, God's hand gently guides the way in this heartwarming romance.

About This Series: Grab your hat and horse and head to the Lone Star state in the pages of the popular Yellow Rose Trilogy (nearly 500,000 sold)! Lori's engaging characters, heartwarming romances, and inspirational truths team with fresh new covers to please fans and win new readers everywhere.

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Titel:Every Little Thing About You (A Yellow Rose Trilogy #1)
Auteurs:Lori Wick (Auteur)
Info:Harvest House Publishers (1999), Edition: Edition Unstated, 300 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Every Little Thing About You door Lori Wick

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1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
This book, this book! This book was such a nice holiday for my brain after the last couple of books haha!
I enjoyed it so much I didn't even make any notes on the story, I just devoured it. It is very cutesy- wutesy & very 'Mills & Boonish' (Oh Slater!) And since it's part of a trilogy I'll probably be over that by the end of it but for now it's just what I needed ( )
  leah152 | Sep 3, 2021 |
Surprised that Slater would give up being a Texas Ranger for just the need of church and the need of fellowship without any serious tragic experience. Could understand the confusion by his brothers. Accepted Liberty doing the deputy job but questioned how she can give it up completely. Enjoyed the humor of younger sister, Laura. Liked the banter between Slater and Liberty with it staying respectful to each other. Not a very impressive final law conflicts after such buildup. ( )
  kshydog | Dec 13, 2020 |
You probably know by now that one of my favorite genres is Historical Christian Romance. Lori Wick is a master. I have been reading her books for years and I just found this one on my shelf and wanted to post a quick review. Character development and scene support are both excellent. if you have read any of Lori Wick's sets you know how well she researches everything. It is not lost on me that her own faith and walk with Christ work themselves into every work. Her acknowledgment in this one is for her pastor, pastor's wife, her Bible Study Group, all of which figure prominently in her books. This one, in particular, helped me see my self growing in Christ as the main male character did. ( )
  bdinsman | Sep 10, 2020 |
A review alert! Lori Wick has always been a favorite author of mine and I have a special fondness for her books. That said, this book was another one of her best. It was fun to read and when I finished I closed the book with a contented sigh at the end (and was ready to start book #2 in this series). I am not too sure how often you would find a lady like Liberty Drake in real life when this story took place (late 1800s), but she could do it all; from pulling a gun on people, to playing the piano in church, helping her family with preparing meals to helping out old ladies in town and finally capturing a certain Texas Ranger's heart.

Liberty first meets the Ranger, Slater Rawlings, when she arrests him for not turning over his gun in the saloon. Slater goes from angry, to shocked to amused by this lady deputy, who helps out her brother, the sheriff in Shotgun, when he needs her. You quickly learn to love Liberty and her family, especially little Laura. There was romance, and some danger, and alot of fun in this story. These folks had a real love for the Lord and it showed in the way they lived their lives and it was refreshing to read. If you just want to read a heartwarming story and feel good at the end, then this book will not disappoint you! ( )
  judyg54 | Jan 12, 2011 |
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Did I laugh before you were born?
Not quite so often, I'm sure.
Did I know about a mother's love before you?
Not by half.
Keep growing, keep trusting,
and never forget that I love you.
For my Tin Man.
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September 1881
Austin, Texas

    The midafternoon sun beat down unmercifully as the cowboy, a Texas Ranger, rode into town.
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Fiction. Romance. Christian Fiction. HTML:

The first meeting between Slater Rawlings and Liberty Drake could hardly be called ideal. As acting deputy of Shotgun, Texas, Liberty is simply enforcing the town laws. But Slater, a former Texas Ranger with a restless spirit, is surprised to find himself on the wrong side of the law—and even more shocked to realize it's a she who is arresting him! Yet Slater finds himself drawn to the close–knit town, to its strong church family, and especially to the fascinating Deputy Drake. As his heart grows tender toward Liberty, Slater longs to see her turn in her badge. Can Liberty, realizing her awakening feelings for the rugged cowboy, give up her position when so many townspeople have come to rely on her? As Slater and Liberty struggle to understand their own feelings and find common ground in their beliefs, God's hand gently guides the way in this heartwarming romance.

About This Series: Grab your hat and horse and head to the Lone Star state in the pages of the popular Yellow Rose Trilogy (nearly 500,000 sold)! Lori's engaging characters, heartwarming romances, and inspirational truths team with fresh new covers to please fans and win new readers everywhere.


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