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Interactive Installation Art & Design

door Wangchen,

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Interactive installation art is an important medium of artistic expression, generated alongside the development of technology and art throughout the 21st century. This book includes a number of interactive installation projects, dedicating particular attention to how designers convey their message. Instead of accepting information passively, in an interactive installation the audience is encouraged to communicate directly with the art. This book is divided into three parts: immersive installation (environment), experimental installation (technology), and feedback installation (engagement). Featuring examples drawn from 3D-rendered images, photographs and video projects, this book will explain the relationship between art and technology, and explore some of the ways these fields can be combined. It is a high-quality and practical guidebook, to accompany any interactive installation art exhibition. This book includes a cross-section of projects from outstanding global design agencies such as teamLab, Dem, and Random International. When placed in conjunction with testaments from practising designers, these examples provide a comprehensive introduction to interactive installation art. SELLING POINTS: * Includes a cross-section of projects from outstanding global design agencies such as teamLab, Dem, and Random International, which provide a comprehensive introduction to interactive installation art * Comes with a CD, to further help the reader's understanding of how technology and art intermingle in interactive installations * Combining theory and case studies, this book analyses the methodology behind developing installation art with contemporary materials and technology 400 colour images… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorartslinknb, Uvt
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Interactive installation art is an important medium of artistic expression, generated alongside the development of technology and art throughout the 21st century. This book includes a number of interactive installation projects, dedicating particular attention to how designers convey their message. Instead of accepting information passively, in an interactive installation the audience is encouraged to communicate directly with the art. This book is divided into three parts: immersive installation (environment), experimental installation (technology), and feedback installation (engagement). Featuring examples drawn from 3D-rendered images, photographs and video projects, this book will explain the relationship between art and technology, and explore some of the ways these fields can be combined. It is a high-quality and practical guidebook, to accompany any interactive installation art exhibition. This book includes a cross-section of projects from outstanding global design agencies such as teamLab, Dem, and Random International. When placed in conjunction with testaments from practising designers, these examples provide a comprehensive introduction to interactive installation art. SELLING POINTS: * Includes a cross-section of projects from outstanding global design agencies such as teamLab, Dem, and Random International, which provide a comprehensive introduction to interactive installation art * Comes with a CD, to further help the reader's understanding of how technology and art intermingle in interactive installations * Combining theory and case studies, this book analyses the methodology behind developing installation art with contemporary materials and technology 400 colour images

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