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The Obsession door Jesse Q. Sutanto
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The Obsession (editie 2021)

door Jesse Q. Sutanto (Auteur)

Reeksen: The Obsession (1)

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363673,815 (3.69)2
Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

A fast-paced teen revenge-thriller from the author of Dial A for Aunties, The Obsession will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Boy Meets Girl. Boy Stalks Girl. Girl Gets Revenge.

Logan thinks he and Delilah are meant to be.

Delilah doesn't know who Logan is.

Logan believes no one knows Delilah like him. He makes sure of it by learning everything he can by watching her through a hidden camera. Some might call him a stalker. Logan prefers to be called "romantic".

Delilah is keeping secrets though, deadly ones. There's so much more to her than meets the eye.

Logan is determined to make Delilah the heroine in his twisted fantasy and he'll do anything to get what he wants.

Delilah is done with the men in her life controlling her. If Logan won't let her go...she'll make him.

"Sutanto has crafted a page-turning work of suspense that questions the line between romantic 'research' and stalking in the age of the internet, analyzing the roles played by abuse, misogyny, racism, and violence in contemporary relationships."—Booklist

"Set against a Northern California private school backdrop, the sensational plot is riddled with twists that come at a furious pace...A suspenseful page-turner."—Kirkus Reviews

"This tense, quick-moving thriller is also a thought-provoking story about the different shapes of abuse. Fans of high-drama fiction with a dark edge, like Karen McManus's One of Us Is Lying or Gretchen McNeil's #murdertrending, will be hooked."—School Library Journal

… (meer)
Titel:The Obsession
Auteurs:Jesse Q. Sutanto (Auteur)
Info:Sourcebooks Fire (2021), 320 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Obsession door Jesse Q. Sutanto

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1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
My obsession! I absolutely devoured this book :) Everything from the stalker's timidity to his end this set apart the YA trope in terms of horror and suspense and intrigue I loved this and will continue to read whatever this author decides to put out! ( )
  Dreynolds12 | Jun 17, 2024 |
This was an utterly fantastic book that really shows how a stalker's mind works in the age of social media. Combine that in a high school setting where our male protagonist Logan has status, and where our female protagonist Delilah (Dee) is struggling to get by with her library job, and the abuse she faces from her mother's boyfriend at home - and you get a narrative of a boy trying to save a girl who he thinks is the love of his life, and a girl just trying to save herself from everything, including the boy himself...

The only part of the book that kind of caught me off guard was the answer to a mystery in the story regarding drugs. It didn't quite feel right at the time, but considering how we're in the heads of both of our main characters, there's bound to be unreliable narration from both of these perspectives - and I suppose the reveal just felt off because of that.

Despite that one hiccup, it's an interesting story that kept me hooked all the way through. So if you're looking for a book about stalkers and stalking, this definitely portrays the criminal act well, and both the stalker and his victim are interesting characters in their own right. ( )
  AuthorSSD | Nov 30, 2023 |
A bit, okay, just too disturbing and weird - not for me. ( )
  Kiaya40 | Jun 19, 2023 |
I can't fin the audio version - sorry.

The Obsession is a teen listen from Jesse Q. Sutanto.
What's the premise? The cover says it all. Boy meets girl. Boy stalks girl. Girl gets revenge.

Sutanto puts her own spin on how that revenge plays out. This was a nice addition to a premise I've read before.

Logan's mindset is definitely off kilter and quite frightening in his thinking. An incident in his past is alluded to that lets us know this isn't his first obsession. There's lots of warning here for younger readers. There's just as much warning in Dee and her mother's situation. That twist changes things for both of them.

There is a dual point of view narrative.

Now, I know I should be on Dee's 'side' given what's happening to and with her. But. Yeah, there's a but. I just didn't like her at all. Her actions are no better than Logan's. Actually, hers are worse. I just couldn't get behind her at all. And I even started to feel sorry for Logan. I saw him as someone with a mental illness and Dee as an opportunist.

The narrative ended up being somewhat repetitive for me. The ending seemed to be somewhat abrupt, leaving the door open for the second book in this planned series.

Catherine Ho was one of the narrators. She speaks low and seemingly close to the microphone. Her voice for me was that of an adult and didn't fit my mental image and tone of Dee. David Lee Huynh read the Logan role. He spoke clearly and his voice was pleasant. I thought he captured the Logan character really well. The voice matched the character in this case.

Gentle listeners, there are triggers in this book. This was an okay listen, but not a stand out. ( )
  Twink | Nov 23, 2022 |
The story really caught me by surprise a number of times. When I was able to piece things together, I'd be surprised with another twist.

The author made the characters very authentic. Young, emotional, and manipulative. I can't wait to discover more of Sutanto's writing. ( )
  Araskov | Sep 20, 2022 |
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To my husband, Mike, who has always been there for me—but like, in a non-stalkery way.
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Ms. Taylor gave me a smile, the kind I’d secretly dubbed the Soothing Guidance Counselor Smile.
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Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

A fast-paced teen revenge-thriller from the author of Dial A for Aunties, The Obsession will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Boy Meets Girl. Boy Stalks Girl. Girl Gets Revenge.

Logan thinks he and Delilah are meant to be.

Delilah doesn't know who Logan is.

Logan believes no one knows Delilah like him. He makes sure of it by learning everything he can by watching her through a hidden camera. Some might call him a stalker. Logan prefers to be called "romantic".

Delilah is keeping secrets though, deadly ones. There's so much more to her than meets the eye.

Logan is determined to make Delilah the heroine in his twisted fantasy and he'll do anything to get what he wants.

Delilah is done with the men in her life controlling her. If Logan won't let her go...she'll make him.

"Sutanto has crafted a page-turning work of suspense that questions the line between romantic 'research' and stalking in the age of the internet, analyzing the roles played by abuse, misogyny, racism, and violence in contemporary relationships."—Booklist

"Set against a Northern California private school backdrop, the sensational plot is riddled with twists that come at a furious pace...A suspenseful page-turner."—Kirkus Reviews

"This tense, quick-moving thriller is also a thought-provoking story about the different shapes of abuse. Fans of high-drama fiction with a dark edge, like Karen McManus's One of Us Is Lying or Gretchen McNeil's #murdertrending, will be hooked."—School Library Journal


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Gemiddelde: (3.69)
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2 1
3 9
4 11
4.5 1
5 7

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