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"I can honestly tell you that I would have become a champion at least a year sooner if I had had Supercut as a reference book when I started pumping iron." -- from the Foreword by Lee Haney, Mr. Olympia "State-of-the-art in every detail." -- Fred Hatfield Supercuts presents the most successful diet programs and nutrition strategies for achieving maximum muscularity and superior definition as evidenced by the world's greatest bodybuilders. The best weight-loss and weight-gain diets are described, as are how they fit into a cycle-training program for year-round benefits (before and after a contest). The wise use of food supplements, including protein, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, is thoroughly discussed in this book. Supercut is highlighted with nutrition secrets and tips from the greats of bodybuilding--Rachel McLish, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, Dr. Franco Columbo, Laura Combes, Candy Csencsits, Samir Bannout, and a host of others. Every aspect of the role nutrition plays in their winning training efforts is covered, including favorite recipes for healthful dining. Recipes for vegetable dishes, salads, poultry and dairy-product meals, fish dishes, meat, rice/potato/pasta/grain dishes, and desserts--more than 200 of them, each with calorie counts--are provided. Week-long meal plans incorporating these recipes provide examples of how to reduce caloric intake gradually and safely without affecting increased training efforts. Joyce L. Vedral, PhD, fitness and nutrition expert, is the bestselling author of The Fat Burning Workout: From Fat is Firm in 24 Days and Gut Busters: The Ten-Minute-a-Day, 12-Week Plan. Bill Reynolds is the author of numerous books on weight training and bodybuilding, including Weight Training for Beginners and The Gold's Gym Training Encyclopedia.… (meer)
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"I can honestly tell you that I would have become a champion at least a year sooner if I had had Supercut as a reference book when I started pumping iron." -- from the Foreword by Lee Haney, Mr. Olympia "State-of-the-art in every detail." -- Fred Hatfield Supercuts presents the most successful diet programs and nutrition strategies for achieving maximum muscularity and superior definition as evidenced by the world's greatest bodybuilders. The best weight-loss and weight-gain diets are described, as are how they fit into a cycle-training program for year-round benefits (before and after a contest). The wise use of food supplements, including protein, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, is thoroughly discussed in this book. Supercut is highlighted with nutrition secrets and tips from the greats of bodybuilding--Rachel McLish, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou Ferrigno, Dr. Franco Columbo, Laura Combes, Candy Csencsits, Samir Bannout, and a host of others. Every aspect of the role nutrition plays in their winning training efforts is covered, including favorite recipes for healthful dining. Recipes for vegetable dishes, salads, poultry and dairy-product meals, fish dishes, meat, rice/potato/pasta/grain dishes, and desserts--more than 200 of them, each with calorie counts--are provided. Week-long meal plans incorporating these recipes provide examples of how to reduce caloric intake gradually and safely without affecting increased training efforts. Joyce L. Vedral, PhD, fitness and nutrition expert, is the bestselling author of The Fat Burning Workout: From Fat is Firm in 24 Days and Gut Busters: The Ten-Minute-a-Day, 12-Week Plan. Bill Reynolds is the author of numerous books on weight training and bodybuilding, including Weight Training for Beginners and The Gold's Gym Training Encyclopedia.

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