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Merciful Secrets

door Shawn McGuire

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Reeksen: Whispering Pines Mysteries (8)

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Celebrate the season in Whispering Pines with snow, mistletoe, and murder. Preparations for the Yuletide festival are in full swing, and so is the gossip about a blackmailing villager. Sheriff Jayne O'Shea doesn't have time or patience for small-town rumors. After two long years overseas, her father is coming for a visit and everything has to be perfect. Then, just as things start falling into place, the blackmailer is found dead. As if that wasn't enough, strange packages start showing up on doorsteps around the village, each containing a clue as to how the receiver will die.Now, Jayne has to decide what's more important. Focusing on a murder that's already happened or trying to prevent six more.What Readers Are Saying "I can clearly see the thatched roof houses, their wood and stucco exteriors. It reminds me of Shakespeare's house in London." "I've read them all and just want to go back." "I wish Whispering Pines was a real place" "If you enjoy honest, rather raw characters seeking direction, and the consequences of past mistakes, you'll enjoy this series as much as I have." "My mind is still in Whispering Pines. I can clearly see the thatched roof houses, their wood and stucco exteriors. It reminds me of Shakespeare's house in London." "I really enjoy how the characters continue to evolve in this series and the new eccentrics fit right in!" "I totally fell in love with both the village and the story." "I would gladly plan my next trip to Whispering Pines." The Whispering Pines Mystery SeriesFamily Secrets, book 1Kept Secrets, book 2Original Secrets, book 3Hidden Secrets, book 4Rival Secrets, book 5Veiled Secrets, book 6Silent Secrets, book 7Merciful Secrets, book 8… (meer)
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Celebrate the season in Whispering Pines with snow, mistletoe, and murder. Preparations for the Yuletide festival are in full swing, and so is the gossip about a blackmailing villager. Sheriff Jayne O'Shea doesn't have time or patience for small-town rumors. After two long years overseas, her father is coming for a visit and everything has to be perfect. Then, just as things start falling into place, the blackmailer is found dead. As if that wasn't enough, strange packages start showing up on doorsteps around the village, each containing a clue as to how the receiver will die.Now, Jayne has to decide what's more important. Focusing on a murder that's already happened or trying to prevent six more.What Readers Are Saying "I can clearly see the thatched roof houses, their wood and stucco exteriors. It reminds me of Shakespeare's house in London." "I've read them all and just want to go back." "I wish Whispering Pines was a real place" "If you enjoy honest, rather raw characters seeking direction, and the consequences of past mistakes, you'll enjoy this series as much as I have." "My mind is still in Whispering Pines. I can clearly see the thatched roof houses, their wood and stucco exteriors. It reminds me of Shakespeare's house in London." "I really enjoy how the characters continue to evolve in this series and the new eccentrics fit right in!" "I totally fell in love with both the village and the story." "I would gladly plan my next trip to Whispering Pines." The Whispering Pines Mystery SeriesFamily Secrets, book 1Kept Secrets, book 2Original Secrets, book 3Hidden Secrets, book 4Rival Secrets, book 5Veiled Secrets, book 6Silent Secrets, book 7Merciful Secrets, book 8

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