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UK Prepping: The Survivor's Guide To The End Of The World

door David George

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My name is David. I am a survivor.I have survived various "character-building" events such as living rough on the streets of England, being lost at sea in a canoe, being stranded in the mountains during winter, being attacked with knives and bats, and having to defend my living space from armed invasion.I have had extensive experience of being on my own with no support and no supplies, starving, and sometimes with injuries and with people trying to harm me. I believe that what I learnt during those few dark years of homelessness has uniquely prepared me for the future - a future without government help, where the emergency services no longer exist, and where your neighbours arm themselves to take your food.This is not so much a "how to" book as a call to action, and it contains practical advice that has been put to the test in the real world under conditions of starvation and attack.I will not be suggesting that at the end of the world humanity will pull together and we'll all be walking around holding hands and sharing food. I'm afraid the reality of survival, particularly when everything is lost, is that there'll be times when you'll have to fight for your life.This book is for men and women - mums and dads as well as individuals - who are concerned with the way the world is going, and who want to be absolutely sure they can keep their families safe. We will be having an honest, no nonsense look at personal survival when you and your family are absolutely on your own, cut off, without help, starving and under attack.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorrobertgmorrison1
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My name is David. I am a survivor.I have survived various "character-building" events such as living rough on the streets of England, being lost at sea in a canoe, being stranded in the mountains during winter, being attacked with knives and bats, and having to defend my living space from armed invasion.I have had extensive experience of being on my own with no support and no supplies, starving, and sometimes with injuries and with people trying to harm me. I believe that what I learnt during those few dark years of homelessness has uniquely prepared me for the future - a future without government help, where the emergency services no longer exist, and where your neighbours arm themselves to take your food.This is not so much a "how to" book as a call to action, and it contains practical advice that has been put to the test in the real world under conditions of starvation and attack.I will not be suggesting that at the end of the world humanity will pull together and we'll all be walking around holding hands and sharing food. I'm afraid the reality of survival, particularly when everything is lost, is that there'll be times when you'll have to fight for your life.This book is for men and women - mums and dads as well as individuals - who are concerned with the way the world is going, and who want to be absolutely sure they can keep their families safe. We will be having an honest, no nonsense look at personal survival when you and your family are absolutely on your own, cut off, without help, starving and under attack.

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