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Dood op de ijzeren trap (1933)

door Dorothy L. Sayers

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Reeksen: Lord Peter Wimsey (10)

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3,8441063,358 (4.15)349
Lord Peter Wimsey gaat incognito werken op een reclamebureau. Onder verdachte omstandigheden is daar een medewerker gestorven en een niet afgemaakte brief van het slachtoffer wijst in de richting van moord. Het blijkt dat via het kantoor geheime berichten van de drugshandel worden doorgegeven.
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1-5 van 106 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
(20) The 10th I think in the Lord Peter Wimsey series. I did not love this one. Wimsey goes undercover at a London ad agency hired by the owner as one of his recently deceased employees wrote a letter implying there was a game afoot at the company. Wimsey is aghast ... a working man. Working 9-5 writing inane slogans for products no one really needs. He suspects the dear departed copy editor did not just trip and fall down the staircase as initially suspected. And so this caper begins.

Neither Harriet Vane nor Bunter feature in this installment. Detective Parker plays a smaller role as well. Instead the narrative is filled with endless Brittish-icisms that fell flat for me. An entire chapter narrating a cricket match! A lot of advertising copy as contextual detail or red herring, I dunno but I found it tiresome. In the end the detecting and the whole dope-peddling scheme was not even very clever. The novel kept my interest but was definitely not amongst my favorites in this series. Either that or I am tiring of the whole schtick.

I will continue the series but I can't say that I love them. In this instance I much prefer the more modern Kate Atkinson's Jackson Brodie series for a British mystery. Perhaps I will go back to Inspector Wexford to continue my summer mystery fix. ( )
  jhowell | Jul 7, 2024 |
There's 2 levels to this - as a murder mystery and as a depiction of life in the advertising industry. The setting here is given much more prominence than it is in other murder mysteries and obviously reflects Sayers' own experience in it.

As a murder mystery it's *fine*. Something I noticed here that's also in Strong Poison and Have His Carcase is there's a surprisingly limited pool of suspects and barely any attempt to set up red herrings. Here there's *technically* lots of characters introduced who could have done it but there's only 2 that are developed to have any suspicion or motive attached to them, really.

The advertising setting though... the actual key contrast in the book is between the evils of the cocaine trade and the slightly less evil but still pretty grubby world of the advertising industry. It's clear that Sayers is a bit vague on the drug stuff but the advertising industry is clearly deeply personal to her. A small but important subplot is Lord Peter coming up with a highly successful advertising campaign for a brand of cigarettes that gets people smoking more and gets new people into smoking The precise health effects of cigarette smoking were I assume not widely known but it's still clearly taken as read that they're not great (mention is made of the risks of people being struck down by nicotine poisoning). The parallel is extremely obvious, although it's not really tackled - the detective got rid of one murderer and helped break up a drug gang but at the same time promoted a major takeup of drugs, the only difference being it was perfectly legal. Especially knowing what we know today it's hard not to see him as morally culpable for tens of thousands of deaths ( )
  tombomp | Oct 31, 2023 |
This is Lord Peter Wimsey at his most sparkling when he is requested to investigate a death at an advertising agency. In order to do his investigation, he goes to work there undercover. ( )
  M_Clark | Jun 7, 2023 |
A sprawling spider-web of a mystery that begins by encasing you in layers of murkiness.
Who? What? Why? For the longest time you can't even get a grip on what exactly the problem seems to be.
Seemingly erratic behavior by Lord Peter leads to eventual elucidation. This is a clever book and it tells a complex story.
And, as an intriguing bonus, it's set in a 1930s advertising agency so sharply detailed that it comes as no surprise that Dorothy Sayers is speaking from her own job experience. There's a lot of interesting stuff here, but (and maybe this is just me) I found it too long this time through.
Also, the resolution is pretty sad ( )
  Alishadt | Feb 25, 2023 |
In this addition to the Lord Peter series we find the protagonist working undercover at an advertising agency. The reader not only gets a thoroughly entertaining story but also an insider's look at the advertising industry of the 1920s. Included is a secondary plot involving illicit drug culture and smuggling which I found interesting. While I remembered some details from my last read, 35 or so years ago, I still enjoyed the characters and the plot. Definitely recommended, even as a standalone.
  fuzzi | Jan 31, 2023 |
1-5 van 106 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (17 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Sayers, Dorothy L.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Arnold, FrankVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Bayer, OttoVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Bergvall, SonjaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Bleck, CathieArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Carmichael, IanVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Crowley, DonSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Franklyn-Robbins, JohnVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
George, ElizabethIntroductieSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Kliphuis, J.F.VertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
May, NadiaVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Mazzoldi, ElioVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Næsted, HenningVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
"And by the way," said Mr. Hankin, arresting Miss Rossiter as she rose to go, "there is a new copy-writer coming in today."
[Author's Note] I do not suppose that there is a more harmless and law-abiding set of people in the world than the Advertising Experts of Great Britain.
[Afterword] The year 1920 is the generally accepted dawn of the Golden Age of detective fiction.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
The interview with the cat had been particularly full of appeal. The animal was, it seemed, an illustrious rat-catcher, with many famous deeds to her credit. Not only that, but she had been the first to notice the smell of fire and had, by her anguished and intelligent mewings, attracted the attention of night-watchman number one, who had been in the act of brewing himself a cup of tea when the outbreak took place.
“How do you do?”

“How do you do?” echoed Mr. Ingleby.

They gazed at one another with the faint resentment of two cats at their first meeting.

Mr. Hankin smiled kindly at them both.
Laatste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
This is the main work for Murder Must Advertise; it should not be combined with any adaptation, abridgement, etc.
ISBN 0450001008 is for The Nine Tailors
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Lord Peter Wimsey gaat incognito werken op een reclamebureau. Onder verdachte omstandigheden is daar een medewerker gestorven en een niet afgemaakte brief van het slachtoffer wijst in de richting van moord. Het blijkt dat via het kantoor geheime berichten van de drugshandel worden doorgegeven.

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Gemiddelde: (4.15)
1 3
1.5 3
2 12
2.5 8
3 118
3.5 54
4 322
4.5 62
5 299

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