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The Maze (A John Corey Novel) door Nelson…
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The Maze (A John Corey Novel) (editie 2023)

door Nelson DeMille (Auteur)

Reeksen: John Corey (8)

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3292182,326 (3.36)1
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:#1 New York Times bestselling author Nelson DeMille returns with a blistering thriller featuring his most popular series character, former NYPD homicide detective John Corey, called out of retirement to investigate a string of grisly murders much too close to home.
In his dazzling #1 bestseller, Plum Island, Nelson DeMille introduced readers to NYPD Homicide Detective John Corey, who we first meet sitting on the back porch of his uncle's waterfront estate on Long Island, convalescing from wounds incurred in the line of duty. A visit from the local Chief of Police results in the legendary Detective Corey becoming involved in the investigation of the murders of a married couple who were scientists at the top-secret biological research facility on Plum Island.

Fast forward through six more bestselling John Corey novels and The Maze opens with Corey on the same porch, but now in forced retirement from his last job as a Federal Agent with the Diplomatic Surveillance Group. Corey is restless and looking for action, so when his former lover, Detective Beth Penrose, appears with a job offer, Corey has to once again make some decisions about his career—and about reuniting with Beth Penrose.

Inspired by, and based on the actual and still unsolved Gilgo Beach murders, The Maze takes the reader on a dangerous hunt for an apparent serial killer who has murdered nine—and maybe more—prostitutes and hidden their bodies in the thick undergrowth on a lonely stretch of beach.

As Corey digs deeper into this case, which has made national news, he comes to suspect that the failure of the local police to solve this sensational case may not be a result of their inexperience and incompetence—it may be something else. Something more sinister.

The Maze features John Corey's politically incorrect humor, matched by his brilliant and unorthodox investigative skills along with the surprising and shocking plot twists that are the trademark of the #1 New York Times bestselling author, Nelson DeMille.
… (meer)
Titel:The Maze (A John Corey Novel)
Auteurs:Nelson DeMille (Auteur)
Info:Scribner (2023), Edition: Reprint, 448 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Gelezen, maar niet in bezit

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The Maze door Nelson DeMille

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1-5 van 21 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Officer John Corey, of past Grisham fame is offered a job, too good to be true! Lots of criss and double crossing going on to see who is doing what. Sex, lies, and past girlfriends, all add to the fun and games. Would be a good movie. ( )
  LivelyLady | Oct 1, 2023 |
Nelson DeMille hasn't lost his touch with John Corey—he's the same wisecracking, intelligent former NYPD detective that he's always been. But boy there's A LOT of dialogue in this book and, until the very end, very little action. And I think this was a criticism I had of another DeMille book I'd read previously.

Here, Corey is recruited by Detective Beth Penrose to be a confidential informant in a local PI firm. This PI firm is headed by a former NYPD vice cop who uses his experience to buy local cops and politicians by throwing wild parties at his office and using the captured audio and video footage as blackmail. This part seems pretty implausible, but I went along with it because Corey's such a wiseass character it's fun to see how he works and reacts to people.

But the end was rather predictable and ultimately, not very satisfying. ( )
  Jarratt | Sep 8, 2023 |
Very thin, limited plot. Certainly not one of Demille's best ( )
  starkravingmad | Jun 12, 2023 |
The Maze is not a good story. There is a lot of repetition, hatred of women, and repetition and just a bad story. Oh and did I say, repetition? The book goes on and on and on repeating itself. The characters are not in any way likeable. The main character, John Corey, is a smart ass and he is unanimous in this description of himself. This gets redundant after awhile and enough already. The hatred of women by showing them as only good for sex and entertainment of men is pathetic. Two stars were given to this book and that really is too nice. If you are a lover of thriller novels, don't think that you found one here. ( )
  lbswiener | May 11, 2023 |
Obviously, I love me some John Corey…and Nelson DeMille. One of my favorite authors. The book was great, as usual, but the ending left me with wayyyy to many questions. If they get answered in a sequel, maybe this one gets rated higher. Also, in retrospect, maybe clouded by my love of all things Corey, a lot of build up to a pretty condensed bit of action at the end. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
1-5 van 21 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:#1 New York Times bestselling author Nelson DeMille returns with a blistering thriller featuring his most popular series character, former NYPD homicide detective John Corey, called out of retirement to investigate a string of grisly murders much too close to home.
In his dazzling #1 bestseller, Plum Island, Nelson DeMille introduced readers to NYPD Homicide Detective John Corey, who we first meet sitting on the back porch of his uncle's waterfront estate on Long Island, convalescing from wounds incurred in the line of duty. A visit from the local Chief of Police results in the legendary Detective Corey becoming involved in the investigation of the murders of a married couple who were scientists at the top-secret biological research facility on Plum Island.

Fast forward through six more bestselling John Corey novels and The Maze opens with Corey on the same porch, but now in forced retirement from his last job as a Federal Agent with the Diplomatic Surveillance Group. Corey is restless and looking for action, so when his former lover, Detective Beth Penrose, appears with a job offer, Corey has to once again make some decisions about his career—and about reuniting with Beth Penrose.

Inspired by, and based on the actual and still unsolved Gilgo Beach murders, The Maze takes the reader on a dangerous hunt for an apparent serial killer who has murdered nine—and maybe more—prostitutes and hidden their bodies in the thick undergrowth on a lonely stretch of beach.

As Corey digs deeper into this case, which has made national news, he comes to suspect that the failure of the local police to solve this sensational case may not be a result of their inexperience and incompetence—it may be something else. Something more sinister.

The Maze features John Corey's politically incorrect humor, matched by his brilliant and unorthodox investigative skills along with the surprising and shocking plot twists that are the trademark of the #1 New York Times bestselling author, Nelson DeMille.

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Gemiddelde: (3.36)
1 2
2 13
2.5 4
3 16
3.5 4
4 22
4.5 6
5 6

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