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Go the Distance: A Twisted Tale door Jen…
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Go the Distance: A Twisted Tale (origineel 2021; editie 2021)

door Jen Calonita (Auteur)

Reeksen: A Twisted Tale (11)

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Fantasy. Folklore. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

What if Meg had to become a Greek god?

After Hercules proves he's a true hero and regains his godship, all seems right in the world. That is, until Zeus tells Meg that she can't be with Hercules because she's, well, mortal. Luckily, Hera has a solution, offering Meg a chance to prove herself worthy of a spot on Mt. Olympusâ??as a god. All Meg has to do is complete a mysterious quest.

The mission? Oh, just to rescue her ex's current wife from the Underworld. The ex-boyfriend she saved by selling her soul to Hades. The ex-boyfriend who immediately moved on to someone else while she was stuck in the Underworld. Can Meg put her past behind her and use her quick-wit to defeat monsters and gods alike, including the nefarious Hades? Will she finally figure out her place and contribution to the world? Or will her fear of commitment have her running away from an eternity of godhood with Herc?

Written by the author of Mirror, Mirror and Conceal, Don't Feel, Jen Calonita's latest twist is sure to delight and surprise.… (meer)

Titel:Go the Distance: A Twisted Tale
Auteurs:Jen Calonita (Auteur)
Info:Disney-Hyperion (2021), 336 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Go the Distance door Jen Calonita (2021)

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Hercules is a Disney film that doesn't get enough attention. Well, I don't think so. You have the Classics like The Little Mermaid and Cinderella that get all of the hype and merchandise, and then there's good ol' Hercules that just... exists? I don't see Meg dolls at the stores! It's all Elsa and Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Get me more sass and get me it now!

Well, this book provided! Go The Distance is one of my new fave Disney inspired tales. It's a fun, fast paced book that gives Meg the attention she deserves. I highly recommend it if you're seeking some fairy tale spins that also include your favourite Disney films.

This cute story happens after the Hercules movie has ended. Hercules is going to be a god and Meg is just... well, Meg. She upsets some of the gods (is anyone surprised?) which will split her and Hercules up together. But don't fret folks! Hera is here to the rescue... kind of? She informs Meg she has a mission for her, that if she chooses to accept would give her the opportunity to be a god. That means she can be with Hercules forever! But does she truly love him? Will she take this path? Especially since it involves her ex-boyfriend whom she gave up her soul for...

This book is fun, fast paced and light hearted. It reads as a pre-teen level book, but I absolutely loved it! The book wasn't dark, slow or boring. All of our fave characters are back - Pegasus, Phil, The Fates, Hades - and we see a lot more of the Gods and Meg's back story. It's a truly lovely tale for a character that deserves so much more hype. Hercules is also in it, but he takes a back seat. I think this book works really well, and Disney lovers will dig it.

This book isn't as twisted or dark as some of the others in this series, so buyer beware. I think it's a lot of fun and is exactly what I want in a fairy tale romp.

Four out of five stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Disney Publishing Worldwide and Disney Hyperion for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review. ( )
  Briars_Reviews | Aug 4, 2023 |
This is the story of Meg, Hercules' love interest. Compared to the movie, this story tells the ends of what happens if Hercules had to become a God? That would mean that Meg and Hercules' relationship would have to end, but Meg goes on a quest, with help form other gods, to become a God herself. But she has to run into the old lover that broke her heart and made her jaded. ( )
  Mel-Morris | Apr 29, 2023 |
I received a copy of this book for free for promotional purposes.

This is only the second Twisted Tale I’ve read (the other being Reflection, which coincidentally has a somewhat similar storyline) so I can’t rank it in comparison to the others.

This was such a fun read!

I love that the book focused on Meg instead of Hercules. Meg is one of my favorite Disney characters and is so underrated. This book not only gave Meg her own story, but also dove into her past and showed more of her relationship with Hercules that we didn’t see in the movie.

Other characters from the movie are also in the book including Phil, Pegasus, Zeus, and of course Hades. There are also plenty of new characters. I would have liked to have seen a little more of Hercules, but given that this is truly Meg’s story, his lack of presence was justified.

As for the story, I found it entertaining and full of adventure, while also still having a lot of heart.

Lastly, I loved that it is revealed (on page 252) that Meg’s last name is Egan. In case you didn’t know, Egan, is the last name of Meg’s voice actor (Susan Egan).

Overall, if you are a fan of the movie or Meg, I recommend this book! ( )
  oddandbookish | Feb 12, 2023 |
It was a little slow space in the beginning and I expected more of Hades in it but it was pretty cute. I would not necessarily consider this a twisted tale but more like what happens after Disney's Hercules becomes a God, since they don't really change the story line this is more of okay well Hercules became a God and in the cartoon/movie he is now part of Olympus but he chose to stay with Meg. Well in this book it picks up where Hercules becomes a God and the twist is Zeus does not allow him to stay with Meg and Hera offers Meg a way she can stay with Hercules but she must go on a quest... so not really a twist but let's continue the story with focusing on Meg now. Probably why I gave it 4 starts. But I did think it was cute and I love how the story tells more about Meg's background and more detail about how she came to work for Hades. But my overall all favorite part is the mention of one of my favorite Goddess leaving me with a taste for please write about her. That is all I will say without giving up any spoilers. ( )
  Enid007 | Oct 5, 2022 |
This was a really fun look at the Disney Hercules story with a twist. Picking up sort of where the animated movie leaves off, Hercules and Meg are ready to begin their life together. But what if Hercules's father, Zeus, refuses them permission to do so? Hercules's mother Hera steps in with a plan that will unite the two lovebirds for eternity. But first Meg must go on a quest, a seemingly impossible one.

The book was a great escape from the woes of the world, and it went by super fast. Recommended for Disney lovers who are looking for more of their favorite Hercules characters. ( )
  briandrewz | Mar 15, 2022 |
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Fantasy. Folklore. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

What if Meg had to become a Greek god?

After Hercules proves he's a true hero and regains his godship, all seems right in the world. That is, until Zeus tells Meg that she can't be with Hercules because she's, well, mortal. Luckily, Hera has a solution, offering Meg a chance to prove herself worthy of a spot on Mt. Olympusâ??as a god. All Meg has to do is complete a mysterious quest.

The mission? Oh, just to rescue her ex's current wife from the Underworld. The ex-boyfriend she saved by selling her soul to Hades. The ex-boyfriend who immediately moved on to someone else while she was stuck in the Underworld. Can Meg put her past behind her and use her quick-wit to defeat monsters and gods alike, including the nefarious Hades? Will she finally figure out her place and contribution to the world? Or will her fear of commitment have her running away from an eternity of godhood with Herc?

Written by the author of Mirror, Mirror and Conceal, Don't Feel, Jen Calonita's latest twist is sure to delight and surprise.

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