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Fasting: Spiritual Freedom Beyond Our…
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Fasting: Spiritual Freedom Beyond Our Appetites (origineel 2006; editie 2007)

door Lynne M. Baab

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"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God." Matthew 5:6 The MessageWe live in hungry times. Ours is a consumer culture, predisposed to quickly fill the cravings of body and mind. The idea of fasting--the voluntary denial of something for a specific time, for a spiritual purpose--sets us immediately on edge. But Lynne Baab makes the case that anyone can fast.Fasting is an expression of freedom. Free from the patterns and habits that mark everyday life, from time to time we can move beyond our appetites into meaningful encounter with God.In Fasting you'll discover an ancient Christian practice that extends beyond giving up food to any regular activity in our contemporary lives. You'll see how taking a break from eating--or driving, or checking e-mail, or watching television--opens us up to discover new things about ourselves and God and the world around us. You'll see that while not everyone should forgo food, anyone can step out of routine to feed the soul.In a time of great spiritual hunger, God invites us all to a feast: fellowship with the Creator of the universe, where all our truest needs are identified and attended to.… (meer)
Titel:Fasting: Spiritual Freedom Beyond Our Appetites
Auteurs:Lynne M. Baab
Info:IVP Books (2007), Paperback, 151 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Fasting: Spiritual Freedom Beyond Our Appetites door Lynne M. Baab (2006)

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"You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God." Matthew 5:6 The MessageWe live in hungry times. Ours is a consumer culture, predisposed to quickly fill the cravings of body and mind. The idea of fasting--the voluntary denial of something for a specific time, for a spiritual purpose--sets us immediately on edge. But Lynne Baab makes the case that anyone can fast.Fasting is an expression of freedom. Free from the patterns and habits that mark everyday life, from time to time we can move beyond our appetites into meaningful encounter with God.In Fasting you'll discover an ancient Christian practice that extends beyond giving up food to any regular activity in our contemporary lives. You'll see how taking a break from eating--or driving, or checking e-mail, or watching television--opens us up to discover new things about ourselves and God and the world around us. You'll see that while not everyone should forgo food, anyone can step out of routine to feed the soul.In a time of great spiritual hunger, God invites us all to a feast: fellowship with the Creator of the universe, where all our truest needs are identified and attended to.

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