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Miss Meow door Jane Smith
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Miss Meow (editie 2021)

door Jane Smith (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
20121,129,493 (3.7)5
Dressed in cat ears and a tail, Miss Meow blames her little brother for destroying her favorite toy, but after further investigation she discovers she might not be the only cat in the house.
Titel:Miss Meow
Auteurs:Jane Smith (Auteur)
Info:West Margin Press (2021), 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Miss Meow door Jane Smith

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Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Miss Meow portrays a young girl who sees herself as a cat. She dresses in cat ears and a tail. Miss Meow blames her brother for destroying a favorite toy. A story of a typical brother/ sister relationship. Miss Mow has a vivid imagination and blames everything that happens to her on her brother Felix but in this case, Felix is not the culprit. Who is? Follow the clues to discover who leaves wet puddles on the floor, eats her food and drinks out of her water bowl.

Wonder bright colors, clean lines and simple words that make it easy for a child to read on their own. ( )
  Pat2011 | Feb 2, 2023 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
My kids loved this book! It was fun seeing my 5 year old make connections with how Miss Meow was acting and how cats really act! ( )
  BritneySG | May 3, 2022 |
This is an adorable book for children about a little girl who is fully convinced that she is actually a cat. Her family plays right along with her, even when they discover an 'actual' cat. This is a cute story about a little girl who discovers just how big her heart can grow. ( )
  sealford | Mar 13, 2022 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
(Full disclosure: I received a free copy of this book for review through Library Thing's early Reviewers program.)

"Miss Meow" is a little girl with a pair of black and pink cat ears, a fuzzy faux tail, and a boundless imagination. For Miss Meow, it's about the simple pleasures in life: a full bowl of cheese crackers; a soft, cozy cat bed to snuggle up in; scritches between the ears; and a ratty (pardon the pun) old toy mouse. But when an honest-to-goodness feline invades her territory, can Miss Meow learn to - gasp! - share?

MISS MEOW is a silly little book with a great big emotional center. As someone who used to pretend to be a dog - running around on all fours and lapping water out of a soup dish - I can definitely relate to Miss Meow. But she can also be a little bratty, especially when harassing her younger brother Felix (I'm not saying I wasn't also a brat, but it's not exactly endearing). I guess this makes the swelling-of-the-Grinch's-heart moment at the end that much more poignant, though. I love the emphasis on animal rescue, and opening up one's home to creatures in need. ( )
  smiteme | Nov 18, 2021 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This is a very cute picture book that focuses on a young girl's love of kitty cats. She dresses up like one and her loves to play with a toy mouse just like a real cat. Then one day her toy mouse is destroyed. She blames her older brother only to discover that maybe he isn't the one to blame. Colorful illustrations and great message on imaginative play, sibling rivalry and on discovering unexpected surprises. This would be a fantastic read aloud for young children and especially for animal lovers. I received a complimentary copy as part of the Librarything Early Reviewers. ( )
  melaniehope | Nov 4, 2021 |
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Dressed in cat ears and a tail, Miss Meow blames her little brother for destroying her favorite toy, but after further investigation she discovers she might not be the only cat in the house.

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Jane Smith's boek Miss Meow was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Gemiddelde: (3.7)
3 6
4 7
4.5 1
5 1

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