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Pokémon Adventures Collector’s Edition, Vol. 7

door Hidenori Kusaka, Satoshi Yamamoto (Illustrator)

Reeksen: Pokémon Adventures (19-21)

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All your favorite Pokémon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga! A stylish new omnibus edition of the best-selling Pokémon Adventures manga, collecting all the original volumes of the series you know and love. Ruby and Sapphire find out that Archie and Maxie, the leaders of evil Team Aqua and equally evil Team Magma, are using the Blue Orb and the Red Orb to control two Legendary Pokémon, Kyogre and Groudon. As the two Trainers struggle with their opponents, they also discover a mysterious connection between their own memories of the past. Can they figure out the secret in time to awaken three Pokémon that can save the day? Collects the original Pokémon Adventures volumes 19, 20 & 21!… (meer)
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Hidenori Kusakaprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Yamamoto, SatoshiIllustratorprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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All your favorite Pokémon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga! A stylish new omnibus edition of the best-selling Pokémon Adventures manga, collecting all the original volumes of the series you know and love. Ruby and Sapphire find out that Archie and Maxie, the leaders of evil Team Aqua and equally evil Team Magma, are using the Blue Orb and the Red Orb to control two Legendary Pokémon, Kyogre and Groudon. As the two Trainers struggle with their opponents, they also discover a mysterious connection between their own memories of the past. Can they figure out the secret in time to awaken three Pokémon that can save the day? Collects the original Pokémon Adventures volumes 19, 20 & 21!

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