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Deep River Promise

door Jackie Ashenden

Reeksen: Alaska Homecoming (2)

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8Geen2,218,066 (3.5)Geen
Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:If you like Virgin River, you'll fall in love with Deep River, Alaska. In this small town with a big heart, readers will find:
  • A hero intent on getting back to the city
  • A heroine intent on saving her town from pesky outsiders
  • And a spark between the two that is bright enough to light up the Alaska sky

Damon Fitzgerald's only desire is to get back to LA and out of the tiny Alasakan town he's somehow inherited. But first he has to keep a promise he made to his old army buddy and look out for his friend's son. That would be a whole lot easier if the kid's mother wasn't the mayor of Deep River...

Astrid James didn't ask to be mayor of Deep River but since she is, she'll do everything she can to do right by the town and her son. And the last thing she needs is an arrogant outsider coming in and taking charge, no matter how attractive he is. But when Astrid starts to realize that Damon is more than just a pretty face, she'll have to decide whether she can risk her heart and her son's happiness on a man whose mission is to leave Deep River.

"The heroes of Deep River are as rugged and wild as the landscape. Jackie Ashenden's romances will leave you breathless."—MAISEY YATES, New York Times bestselling author, for Come Home to Deep River

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:If you like Virgin River, you'll fall in love with Deep River, Alaska. In this small town with a big heart, readers will find: A hero intent on getting back to the city A heroine intent on saving her town from pesky outsiders And a spark between the two that is bright enough to light up the Alaska sky

Damon Fitzgerald's only desire is to get back to LA and out of the tiny Alasakan town he's somehow inherited. But first he has to keep a promise he made to his old army buddy and look out for his friend's son. That would be a whole lot easier if the kid's mother wasn't the mayor of Deep River...

Astrid James didn't ask to be mayor of Deep River but since she is, she'll do everything she can to do right by the town and her son. And the last thing she needs is an arrogant outsider coming in and taking charge, no matter how attractive he is. But when Astrid starts to realize that Damon is more than just a pretty face, she'll have to decide whether she can risk her heart and her son's happiness on a man whose mission is to leave Deep River.

"The heroes of Deep River are as rugged and wild as the landscape. Jackie Ashenden's romances will leave you breathless."—MAISEY YATES, New York Times bestselling author, for Come Home to Deep River


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