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The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family…
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The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family (origineel 2021; editie 2022)

door Ron Howard (Auteur), Clint Howard (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
4612655,913 (4.15)7
Biography & Autobiography. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:


"This extraordinary book is not only a chronicle of Ron's and Clint's early careers and their wild adventures, but also a primer on so many topics—how an actor prepares, how to survive as a kid working in Hollywood, and how to be the best parents in the world! The Boys will surprise every reader with its humanity." — Tom Hanks

"I have read dozens of Hollywood memoirs. But The Boys stands alone. A delightful, warm and fascinating story of a good life in show business." — Malcolm Gladwell

Happy Days, The Andy Griffith Show, Gentle Ben—these shows captivated millions of TV viewers in the '60s and '70s. Join award-winning filmmaker Ron Howard and audience-favorite actor Clint Howard as they frankly and fondly share their unusual family story of navigating and surviving life as sibling child actors.

"What was it like to grow up on TV?" Ron Howard has been asked this question throughout his adult life. in The Boys, he and his younger brother, Clint, examine their childhoods in detail for the first time. For Ron, playing Opie on The Andy Griffith Show and Richie Cunningham on Happy Days offered fame, joy, and opportunity—but also invited stress and bullying. For Clint, a fast start on such programs as Gentle Ben and Star Trek petered out in adolescence, with some tough consequences and lessons.

With the perspective of time and success—Ron as a filmmaker, producer, and Hollywood A-lister, Clint as a busy character actor—the Howard brothers delve deep into an upbringing that seemed normal to them yet was anything but. Their Midwestern parents, Rance and Jean, moved to California to pursue their own showbiz dreams. But it was their young sons who found steady employment as actors. Rance put aside his ego and ambition to become Ron and Clint's teacher, sage, and moral compass. Jean became their loving protector—sometimes over-protector—from the snares and traps of Hollywood.

By turns confessional, nostalgic, heartwarming, and harrowing, THE BOYS is a dual narrative that lifts the lid on the Howard brothers' closely held lives. It's the journey of a tight four-person family unit that held fast in an unforgiving business and of two brothers who survived "child-actor syndrome" to become fulfilled adults.

… (meer)
Titel:The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family
Auteurs:Ron Howard (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Clint Howard (Auteur)
Info:William Morrow Paperbacks (2022), 416 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Boys: A Memoir of Hollywood and Family door Ron Howard (Author) (2021)

Onlangs toegevoegd doorbesloten bibliotheek, LCW2018, kapil_dev, WilliamHagan, HSBookNookLibrary, trayceebee, kprainman, BroraRuth
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1-5 van 26 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This is a memory about two brothers growing up in show business in the 60s, about their future careers and about their parents. As a fan of the Andy Griffith Show, I wanted some behind the scenes stuff about that show, and I got that, but also a lot of content about the boys' parents. That took me aback in the beginning, because I did not know or care about those people, but in the end this book won me over, because it has an inspiring, uplifting message about family love. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
Far and way beyond the usual glass-bubble, self-focused Hollywood memoir, Ron and Clint's The Boys takes you behind the scenes of twentieth-century showbiz, but with a twist: your guides are actually nice, thoughtful people. In fact, I'd venture to say that Ron Howard in particular is an example of how growing up in a truly nurturing family can give someone the strength to grow into a strong, ethical person who is able, through hard work and just a little luck, to realize his potential. Such a background is probably rarer than you might think, and it's certainly rare in Hollywood.

In fact, I would have enjoyed hearing more from Clint, who struggled far more. One gets the sense that he didn't want to rain on Ron's sunny parade by talking about his struggles — and the difficult, dark-side-of-Hollywood things he saw and Ron didn't — by saying as much as he could have. He definitely plays second fiddle in this book, and that seems like a shame.

Aside from the Howards' personalities, and the loving and detailed portrait of their shared, almost unbelievably supportive parents, I enjoyed the trips behind the stages of The Andy Griffith Show and Happy Days, and learning about Ron's far from straightforward journey from acting to directing with the help of Roger Corman, who seems to have been a mentor to dozens of great directors. ( )
  john.cooper | Jan 28, 2024 |
This was a very pleasant surprise, a memoir of Hollywood that was dominated not by name dropping but by their actual family life, and trials and tribulations. Well written, honest, enjoyable. ( )
  Cantsaywhy | Sep 10, 2023 |
My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:

Enjoy! ( )
  booklover3258 | Sep 6, 2023 |
Month of April 2022: Celebrity Profiles
Audiobook (13 hrs)
Read by brothers, Ron Howard and Clint Howard

The Andy Griffith Show is still one of my favorite shows today. I feel really sad that I can’t give this a big ol’ fat 5-star. But, I was actually a little disappointed, maybe a little bored would be a better word, during portions of this autobiography. 3 star really
average, take it or leave it.

This was read by both Ron and Clint. I would be listening to Ron, then suddenly out of the blue, Clint would chime in...sometimes on his part of the story, or a part of his life, sometimes it was just a sentence. This actually threw me off a bit. Their voices are so different; I wouldn’t be expecting the change. I was like, “Wait, what? Ron’s story is over?” They were both really good readers, but some parts were very interesting, and some parts literally put me to sleep. I wonder if I would have felt differently about their story if I had read the book myself? Could be that I’m just not really into audiobooks? I am trying a few for the first time this year.

Of course, I knew exactly which show Ron was talking about when it came to the little tidbits on The Andy Griffith Show and could visualize every scene. I really enjoyed hearing all about how this show was filmed. I will say I was surprised to find out that Ron had such a hard time throughout his school years because of his sweet little Opie character. Boy, kids can sure be mean.

I forgot about Ron playing Richie on Happy Days, which wasn’t one of my favorite shows back in the ‘70’s. I only watched because I was in love with Scott Baio. I never realized what good friends Ron and Henry Winkler, who played Fonzie, really were.

Richie was the star of the show, but was consequently being marginalized because the viewers were more into Fonzie. After several seasons, the producers were wanting to rename the show, “Fonzie’s Happy Days”. This kind of pushed Ron into directing, instead of acting, which is where he had always wanted to be since he was a little kid. This...he is very good at!

Ron found out a little later just what a good friend he had in Henry Winkler, who had told the producers, “No!” He was not for renaming the show after him because he knew Happy Days was Richie’s show. Needless to say, they are still good friends to this day. In fact, Henry is Godfather to all four of Ron Howard’s kids.

How ironic that my next book to read is Henry Winkler’s autobiography, “I’ve Never Met an Idiot on the River” (2011). It looks and sounds very promising. We’ll see. ( )
  MissysBookshelf | Aug 27, 2023 |
1-5 van 26 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Howard, RonAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Howard, ClintAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Howard, Bryce DallasVoorwoordSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Howard, Bryce DallasVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Howard, ClintVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Howard, RonVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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To Rance and Jean Howard
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As I write this, I am sitting in a car in Queensland, Australia, getting driven to the set to begin the second week of shooting on my twenty-sixth feature film as a director. [Introduction]
"Look him in the eyes and really listen to what he's saying, Ronny. Don't look at the bucket," my father said.
He was prepping me for my first screen test. [Chapter 1: The Accidental Actor]
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Biography & Autobiography. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:


"This extraordinary book is not only a chronicle of Ron's and Clint's early careers and their wild adventures, but also a primer on so many topics—how an actor prepares, how to survive as a kid working in Hollywood, and how to be the best parents in the world! The Boys will surprise every reader with its humanity." — Tom Hanks

"I have read dozens of Hollywood memoirs. But The Boys stands alone. A delightful, warm and fascinating story of a good life in show business." — Malcolm Gladwell

Happy Days, The Andy Griffith Show, Gentle Ben—these shows captivated millions of TV viewers in the '60s and '70s. Join award-winning filmmaker Ron Howard and audience-favorite actor Clint Howard as they frankly and fondly share their unusual family story of navigating and surviving life as sibling child actors.

"What was it like to grow up on TV?" Ron Howard has been asked this question throughout his adult life. in The Boys, he and his younger brother, Clint, examine their childhoods in detail for the first time. For Ron, playing Opie on The Andy Griffith Show and Richie Cunningham on Happy Days offered fame, joy, and opportunity—but also invited stress and bullying. For Clint, a fast start on such programs as Gentle Ben and Star Trek petered out in adolescence, with some tough consequences and lessons.

With the perspective of time and success—Ron as a filmmaker, producer, and Hollywood A-lister, Clint as a busy character actor—the Howard brothers delve deep into an upbringing that seemed normal to them yet was anything but. Their Midwestern parents, Rance and Jean, moved to California to pursue their own showbiz dreams. But it was their young sons who found steady employment as actors. Rance put aside his ego and ambition to become Ron and Clint's teacher, sage, and moral compass. Jean became their loving protector—sometimes over-protector—from the snares and traps of Hollywood.

By turns confessional, nostalgic, heartwarming, and harrowing, THE BOYS is a dual narrative that lifts the lid on the Howard brothers' closely held lives. It's the journey of a tight four-person family unit that held fast in an unforgiving business and of two brothers who survived "child-actor syndrome" to become fulfilled adults.


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