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Where Jesus Walked

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Jesus never traveled more than one hundred miles from His birthplace during His three-year ministry; yet, His life has changed the world.  Beautifully filmed and dramatically re-enacted, this video pilgrimage leads you from Christs birth to His resurrection.  Experience your own personal journey with Christ as you walk through the Holy Lands sites as they are today. See the actual places where Jesus ministered over 2,000 years ago. Witness first-hand the paths of Jesus travels, from Bethlehem to Nazareth, Jerusalem to the Sea of Galilee, from Capernaum to Jericho; His baptism at the Jordan River; His sermon on the Mount; and His final walk down the Via Dolorosa to Calvary where He was crucified. This visual account of Jesus life takes on a deeper spiritual meaning for those who see the sacred places and experience His teachings, miracles, passion, death, resurrection and ascension. This video portrait stands as a witness to the divinity of Jesus Christ and His bountiful love for all mankind.… (meer)

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Jesus never traveled more than one hundred miles from His birthplace during His three-year ministry; yet, His life has changed the world.  Beautifully filmed and dramatically re-enacted, this video pilgrimage leads you from Christs birth to His resurrection.  Experience your own personal journey with Christ as you walk through the Holy Lands sites as they are today. See the actual places where Jesus ministered over 2,000 years ago. Witness first-hand the paths of Jesus travels, from Bethlehem to Nazareth, Jerusalem to the Sea of Galilee, from Capernaum to Jericho; His baptism at the Jordan River; His sermon on the Mount; and His final walk down the Via Dolorosa to Calvary where He was crucified. This visual account of Jesus life takes on a deeper spiritual meaning for those who see the sacred places and experience His teachings, miracles, passion, death, resurrection and ascension. This video portrait stands as a witness to the divinity of Jesus Christ and His bountiful love for all mankind.

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